Chapter 875

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Riley's POV
I knocked on the door and me and Jayce waited for someone to answer.
Samantha opened the door to us
"Hi boys" she smiled letting us in
"Oh they're not ready yet" she laughed
I smiled "ahh ik"

Isis's POV
I did my tie, put my shoes on and put my blazer on. I threw everything i need into my bag and then looked at my hair in the mirror
"Ffs" I sighed.
I brushed my curls and left Coz I don't have the time and so I put some hairbands around my wrist.
I picked up my bag and went downstairs
I walked into the kitchen to see Riley and Jayce helping themselves to breakfast
"Yo" they both said
"Hi... Why you here?"
"Coz your mum let us in" Jayce said
"And Coz you guys take forever and this is better than waiting at the bus stop" Riley said
The doorbell rang so I went to get it and it was Renae. I smiled giving her a hug and let her in and she sat down for breakfast aswell.
Skyler was the next to come downstairs and I just ate my toast cah Jayda just takes forever to do everything.
I went up to her room and walked in
"Why didn't you knock Isis?"
"Mate, you knew I was coming"
She giggled and turned around to me
"Riley Jayce Renae and Skyler are all waiting downstairs"
"Serious?" She said picking up her bag
"Come on then"
We went downstairs and everyone had breakfast.
Me and my sisters put our glasses on, we said bye to mum and dad and then left the house.
We made snaps walking down the road to the bus stop and we met up with Mason and Bailey and then jumped on the bus to school.

Jayda's POV

Skyler's POV
We were sitting in form and I was minding my own business on my phone
"Yo b"
I looked up to see some boy called Jason standing Infront of me.
I looked back down at my phone
"Aye I'm speaking to you"
"You're not speaking to me"
"I am"
"Mate you don't even know my name"
"Yh you're one of the triplets"
"Which one?"
"Exactly so keep it stepping. Thank you"
I looked back down at my phone but Jason didn't seem to be hearing
"Did you not hear?" Bailey asked
Jason screwed him and then walked away

Jayda's POV

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