Chapter 899

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Jayden's POV

When me and Samantha was done, she fell asleep and I had a quick shower and put on a tracky and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and smiled looking at Samantha's clothes I tore off her body. I picked them up and took them to the laundry room.

Skyler's POV

After football today dad picked us up

"How was school?" He asked

"Good" we all said and he nodded

"Where's mum?"

He smiled "sleeping probably... She's had an... Eventful day" he said and he smile grew

We cringed "ew"

He laughed and continued to drive us home.

I shook my head. My parents are goals but hearing things like that always make me cringe.


When we got home, mum was in the kitchen cooking


"Hi" we all smiled

Dad went over and kissed her


She giggled "why is it eww all or a sudden? It's normally Arwhh"

"Cah they know that we've had an eventful day" dad smirked causing mum to laugh and we just cringed.

Mum turned around and I saw all the love bites going down her neck and I don't wanna know where else


"So do you just use foundation to cover all your love bites or do you photoshop them out" Jayda asked

Mum laughed tracing her hand down her neck "foundation, why?"

"Cah we're gonna need to know this"

"True" me and Isis agreed

"Um no you're not..." Dad started "not for another 3,4 years anyways"

"Mmmhm" we replied walking to our rooms

"I'm being serious" he called after us

Isis's POV

I came out the shower with my hair dripping and went to get changed. I put on a vest top and some shorts and sat up in bed and flicked through the channels on tv while I towel dried my hair

My phone started ring and I looked down and smiled.


"Hi beautiful" he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back

"Whatsup?" He asked me

"Nm Wbu"

"Nm Nm, how was football"

Riley's POV

"It was live. The other team was so shit" she started to laugh which made me laugh aswell.

"How was rugby?" She asked me still drying her hair

"It was litttttttt" I smiled "me and mason tag team tackled some hench don and he went straight into the mud"

She giggled "I wanna do rugby it seems live"

"But you'll get bare muddy"

"Looool Idc"

I smiled "you're not the typical girl are you?" I asked

"Nah I ain't" she shook her head "do you not like that?" She asked


"Oh" she looked away

"I love it; typical girls are boring and don't really do anything"

A smile grew on her face and she blushed a little

"Why you blushing?" I asked and she blushed even more making me chuckle

"Because you make me feel special" she said looking away

I smiled "because you are special"

She blushed even more making me smile

"Yh so why don't you just join the rugby squad?" I asked her

"Because my weekly schedule is already fully booked so there's no way for me to fit it in"

"Ooo right; wait- why don't you just model for your mum on Saturdays can rugby is on Friday..."

A smile grew on her face "yhhh that's a good idea! Thank you" she smiled


I winked at her.

There was knocking on her door

"Come in"

"Dinners ready" Skyler and Jayda said in sync

"Oh okay, I'm coming"

"Hi Riley" they said and Isis smiled

"Hiiii" I replied and they left the room

"Well I g2g, I'll speak to you later"

"Bye beautiful"

*locked off*

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