Chapter 908

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Isis's POV

I hate year 10.

It's acc all just bullshit.

It's so long and stressful and they keep giving us these pointless tests. I'm no even just saying it

It's like they give us a test and a week later they say that the test doesn't go towards anything. Like wtf, am I a dick'ed

Jessica still likes Riley btw. She's actually whipped.

But you know, he's mine so...Yh

We're not even going out yet but he's still mine ygm?

Me and my sisters barely do ballet now because we've finished our grades so we can just go whenever we want for the sake of it.

Jayda's POV

We were enroute yard, well I was going to Jayce's yard


I looked at him as we walked up to his room

"Yh?" We sat down on his bed

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I instantly smiled "ofc I will"

He smiled and lifted my chin to kiss him.

Negl since year 7, the boys have glo'edddd

All of them have earings obviously, slits and ting

Jayce has pengaleng waves

Bailey has a curly high top

Riley has grown out his curls

Mason has waves aswell

All shape ups on fleek

And they're all soon to be body goals.


~ dinner ~


"Yh?" He looked at me

"Um Jayce asked me out today"

"Arwhhhhh" mum smiled

Isis and Skyler were smiling bare Coz I had already told them

"What did Yu say?"


Dad slowly nodded "okay"

"You're calm with this?" I questioned

"Well I said Yu guys could have a boyfriend in year 10 but-"

"No sex" we finished his sentence

He smiled "Yh"

Amirah's POV

I'm a famous singer now and Simon cowell is my producer.


And this is all because of Angel, I visit her all the time.

I get upset sometimes though. She would've been 3 this year, I wonder what she would've been like.

I barely leave the house because of fans and paparazzi

It's actually very overwhelming

Renae's POV

Me and mason have been dealing for quite some time now. He's so sweet and it just melts my heart.

He gets on quite well with my dad which is good. Same with him and Tyrell tbh

It woulda been mad awkward if they didn't get on...

Christa's POV

I was sitting at the counter painting Ashley's nails whilst Kairo and Cameron were playing football with their dad in the garden.

"Okay blow them now" I said to Ashley

She smiled and blew on her nails "thank you mummy"

I smiled "np beautiful"

Andy walked into the kitchen with Kairo and Cameron

"Look at my nails daddy!!" She ran over to him

He crouched down to her level and smiled "they're very pretty"

"Thank you"

"What we eating mum?" Kairo asked me

"Erm, you guys can have chicken nuggets and chips?"

"Yaaaay!" They smiled and I went to start making their food

Isaac's POV

"Jamal and Kamal" I caked and they came into the livingroom where me and Rhea were

"Yes dad?"

"why did you get in trouble at school today?"

"Basically" they both started, I tried not to smile

"We accidentally told the teacher to shutup"

They're in year 4 youkno

"Wdym accidentally?"

"I didn't mean to"

"Yh same"

"Well when you go to school tomorrow, apologise to your teacher"

"Yes dad"

"And no play station for the rest of the week"



"But it's Monday" Jamal complained


They turned to Rhea


"Nope don't involve me"

"Arghhhh!" They both sighed

"Depending on your behaviour I might make it shorter"


"I said might"

They nodded and left the room and I shook my head

"Mummy" Janai walked in

"Yes princess"

"I'm hungry"

"What do you wanna eat?"

"erm nuggets!!!!"

I smiled

"Come on then" she said taking Janai to the kitchen

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