Chapter 1021

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Raven's POV
"Hey Kairo😊" I started twisting my fingers
"Hey😊" he smiled giving me a hug which made me smile more
I said hi to my cousins Jamal and Kamal and I said hi to Demarco and they went to play on the ps4
"Kairo come and play with me"
He smiled and held my hand and we walked upstairs to my room
"Do you wanna play with my Lego?"
He nodded
I smiled I like when he does that, he doesn't speak a lot, mummy said there's a word for that... I can't remember it 🤔🤔
I think it's called humble

I went to get my box of Lego and poured it onto the floor and we started to build stuff
"You're cute"
"Me? 😳"
He chuckled "Yh, you are. And you're really pretty"
I smiled "thank you ☺️☺️"
He smiled and continued to build his plane

Tyrell's POV
I walked into the games room to see Jamal Kamal Caine and Demarco
I walked into the living room
"Where's Raven?"
"Upstairs" Aaliyah replied
"With Kairo..?"
"Erm Yh I guess.."
"Damn" I scratched my head
She giggled "dw, they don't know what sex is"
"They know what kissing is tho"
She continued to giggle "go and check on them then"
I walked up to her room and the door was open.
They were playing with Lego
That's innocent enough
"Hey daddy" she smiled at me
"Hi princess"
"Hi Tyrell"
"Hi, you guys good?"
They both nodded
"Daddy, do you like the plane Kairo built me"
I nodded "Yh it's good"
"Thank you" they both replied and then started to laugh
I chuckled and went back downstairs

"They're playing with the Lego"
"See, they're not having sex"
I playfully rolled my eyes and she started to laugh


Aaliyah's POV
The kids had left and mine were all in bed so i went to check on them.
I went into Raven's room and she looked at me and smiled
"You okay Rae?"
She smiled and nodded "guess what mummy?"
"What?" I questioned sitting at the edge of her bed as she sat up
"Kairo called me cute" she started blush and play with her fingers
"Arwhhh 😩"
"And he said that I'm really pretty"
"Arwhhh that's so cute"
She smiled more and looked at me
"Do yu like him a lot"
She smiled looking down into her lap "Yh"
"That's so cute"
"Don't tell daddy tho"
I giggled "he already knows"
"Is he upset?"
I shook my head "no he's not"
She nodded "good. Idk why I started liking him I just got a weird feeling in my stomach one time when he hugged me so I thought that I may like him like you like daddy"
I smiled and kissed her forehead, that's so cute
"Night Rae"
"Night mummy"

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