Chapter 986

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Skyler's POV

"Promise me" I repeated

He looked up at me blankly

"Bailey, promise me you won't do it again"
He looked away "I can't"
"Why not?" I asked fighting tears
"Because I don't want to break the promise"

"Then don't"
He sighed "Skyler, it's not that easy"
I didn't reply and so he looked back up at me
"I'm sorry" He picked up his things to leave but I stood infront of my bedroom door looking directly at his chest because he's too tall for our eyes to meet
When I did look up at him, he was looking everywhere else but me
I sighed lightly "I'm sorry I- I know it's not that easy for you Bailey but I just want you to open up to me"
He looked down at me and I looked away "I don't know what to do to make you feel better" I rested my head on the door

He pulled me in for a hug. He hugged me so tightly and I hugged him back
"Skyler, I don't wanna feel like this, like I really don't but... ahh idk man" He ran his hand through his curly high top "idk anymore"
I slowly nodded "well if you need anything, you know where I am"
"I need something..."
"Go on..."
He lifted my chin and I tiptoed so that we could kiss. Hi lips locked with mine and his tongue swam into his mouth and mine went in his. I pulled away and he bit his lip. I looked down and rested my head on his chest and he hugged me again

"Come lets take Levi for a walk" I said looking up at him
He smiled and nodded.
I went to get Levi's leash and went downstairs to get him and we went on a walk.

~ next day ~

Mason's POV
My parents went away to Portugal for the holiday. I didn't wanna go because they're gonna be working and it would've been so boring for me and so... I have a free yard

Renae's been here a lot, she's still not on the best terms with her parents and I don't know what imma do yet because I want her talking to her parents. I don't wanna be the reason that comes inbetween her and her parents. At the end of the day, her dad is gonna have to agree to giving her away at our wedding so youkno 😅

"Ren!!" I called and she came into the kitchen.
I turned around from the stove and looked at her. I looked at her from bottom to top and licked and bit my lip, she was wearing shorts and a tank top
She smiled "yh?"
"Can yu put some other clothes on please?"
"why don't you like this?" she asked doing a 360 turn
I smiled "nah you look beautiful but remember - I can't fuck you cah you're on your reds"
She giggled
"and you're making me horny plus, the squad are coming around later"

"are they?"
"okay, gimme a min" and with that she went back upstairs

When she came back down, she was wearing one of my jumpers which came about 3/4 of the way down her thighs. Her curls were up in a messy bun and she looked so beautiful
I started to snap her and when she clocked, she covered her face and turned around making me laugh

Caption: 😅😓😍💖
She sat down at the counter as I fried the rest of the chicken
"I need you to do me a favour..."
"and what's that?"
"I need you to start speaking to your parents again"
She didn't reply and so I turned around to look at her
"can you do that for me?"
She slowly nodded her head "yh, but if they start an argument with me again, I'm giving up"
I nodded "fair enough. But try. For me?"
"yh sure"

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