Chapter 903

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Dylan's POV

Amirah has been in the studio a lot tbh. When we bought this house I made one or the rooms into a music studio so she can sing.

On her YouTube account, she has a lot of covers that have 100k views +.

She's into song writing but has never put any up.

I think she's writing a song at the moment, it seems to relax her and take her mind off things.

Tyrell's POV

Saturday's match was calm

We drew 1-1 with Jordan scoring for us.

He's our top scorer

It's Mother's Day today and Aaliyah is still asleep so I got all the kids ready and then in the kitchen so we could make breakfast and then make some cupcakes.

"Someone's at the door daddy" Raven said as the doorbell rang

I smiled and went to get it and it was the flowers that I had ordered for Aaliyah and my mum.

I thanked the guy and took them into the kitchen

"They're pretty, are they for mummy?"

"And grandma"


The kids continued scooping cake mixed into the cup cake cases while I made waffles and cut up some fruits.

When that was all done we put the cupcakes in the oven and the kids helped me carry up Aaliyah's breakfast and flowers.

When we walked in she was awake and sat up in bed

"Happy Mother's Day mummy!" They smiled giving her her things.

She smiled "thank you babies" she said giving each of them a kiss and they went running out of the room.

She smiled up at me and I winked at her

"Happy Mother's Day beautiful"

"Thank you" she smiled and I planted a kiss on her forehead

"I'm going to my mums quick"

"Alright, they're all going out later, like our mums Rhianna and Tiana"

"Oh rah" I said putting my trainers on

I kissed Aaliyah goodbye and then went downstairs and said bye to the kids then routed to my parents' yard

I bought my mum flowers and a pearl jewellery set that had a necklace, a bracelet and earrings in it.

When I got there, dad answered the door to me and spudded me and we walked into the kitchen where mum was sat at the counter eating breakfast

"Happy Mother's Day mum" I said kissing her cheek

"Thanks Tyrell" she smiled and I put the flowers on the table.

I took out the jewellery box and handed it to her. She opened it and looked shocked

"Tyrell you didn't have to-"

"Wdym, Yh I did" I laughed and dad did too

She hugged and kissed me again "thanks Tyrell, get back to your wife and kids"

I smiled "bye"


When I got in the car I clocked that the cupcakes were in the oven so I called Aaliyah

"Hey b" she said

"Hii, I left cupcakes in the oven-"

"I got it under control, the kids already told me about them"

I smiled "klkl, I'm enroute"

"Okay see you soon"


Amirah's POV

"Happy Mother's Day mummy" Devontae ran over to me with a bunch of flowers.

I smiled "thank you baby" I said giving him a hug and a kiss before he ran out the studio again.

I looked up to see Dylan standing in the doorway and smiled at him

"Can you read this?" I said passing him my song book

"Yh sure"

I watched him as he read and when he finished he looked at me

"Babe this is amazing"

I smiled "thank you" I looked into my lap

"Please post this one on YouTube"

"Erm, idk..."

"Please Mirah"

"What if people don't like it?" I asked

"They will and even if they don't? Who cares?"

I smiled and nodded "Yh okay"

He smiled and pulled in for a kiss

"Angel" will be the first of my own songs that I put up for people to hear


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