Chapter 1005

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Riley's POV
Why do I say stupid shit?
Like seriously.
Do you realise how much I fucked up today. Like the fuck up was mad.

After school, she was the first outta school but I followed her anyways.
We got to her house and I went up to her room and before I could get a word in she had already gone to the bathroom and shut the door.

I waited for her to finish in the shower noticing that she had washed her hair since her curls were back.
She went into her closet shutting the door behind her and changed into a tracky and laid on her bed whilst I stood leaning against her door.
"Isis, I didn't mean what I said earlier"
She looked at me "Yh you did or you wouldn't have said it" she replied coldly.
I sighed inwardly
"Okay I'm sorry for what I said-"
"Sorry? Riley whilst you were in hospital I was by your side every single fucking day. You know why? Coz I love you but you just can't see that. I didn't have to come and visit you everyday and sit by your side for hours on end speaking to you, I coulda easily moved on like any other girl but I chose not to- because I love you. But you evidently think that I have moved on - to Jason of all people.
Do you realise how many girls are actually catty for you because it's not just Jessica and I deal with that everyday. All this hate just because me and you are a thing. All this hate I don't tell you about because I love you and I know - well I hope you love me too.
And I'm sorry that I'm a model and boys happen to be catty for me. I'm sorry.
I don't know what you want me to do about that. I have literally cut off so many people since we've started going out because I don't want you to think that I'm entertaining other boys. And now, when I've stuck by your side whilst you were in a fucking coma... *sniffs* you think I've moved on. How could you..?" Her voice trailed off and she wiped her tears
I literally had no words.
She broke eye contact and looked down into her lap.
"Isis, I'm so sorry. Like I'm so sorry. I didn't know you got hate-"
"Yh because I didn't want to tell you"
"Why not?"
"Because everyone would be walking around in Jason's position rn"
I nodded once in agreement.
"Babe, I'm sorry"
She shook her head "you basically diminished my love for you and you think you can just fix it with sorry?"

Isis's POV
I looked back up at him and he was looking down at his feet.
And with that he left and the tears started to stream.

Riley's POV
Idk what imma do to fix this man 😴

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