Chapter 886

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Amirah's POV
We got the hospital and I was in so much pain and my midwife was trying to calm me down. I just wanted her out of me.
"Please" My eyes started to water "Please just break my waters, please"
My midwife shared a look with Dylan and then slowly nodded
"Let me do a scan first"
I nodded
I did my ultrasound scan and the baby was in the right position to come so they broke my water and my labour started.
It hurt like fuck Omdz
The midwife left the room and it was just me and Dylan

Dylan's POV
She started crying and I went over to give her a hug.
"Baby it hurts so much, I can't do it"
She buried her head in my chest.
"Mirah, it's gonna be okay" I soothed as she cried


The pains were getting really bad and the contractions were coming more often and Mirah had gotten her epidural. Jaydene had come over leaving Devontae with Aaron.

"How you doing?" She asked running her hand through Mirah's hair
"Mum it hurts so much" she said rubbing her stomach
"Ik babygirl"


She was pushing and pushing and pushing. The epidural didn't seem to be helping and neither did the gas and air but she kept going squeezing onto my hand. She looked so tired and fed up but she kept going and I was so proud of her.
"You're nearly there baby"
She squeezed onto my hand "ARGHHHHHHH"
Push after push after push and she finally came and we heard her cries of our little princess. They put her in Mirah's arms making her cry herself and I cut the umbilical cord.
"You did it baby" I smiled and kissed her forehead.

And then the cries stop.

We looked down at her and then the midwife took her and a lot f doctors and nursers came in
"W-what's happening?"
"Um, idk princess" I said squeezing her hand
Amirah got out of the bed and walked over to where all the doctors were surrounding our princess.

Amirah's POV

"What are you doing to her!!" I screamed
My midwife turned around and took me back to the bed
"um Amirah, I'm so sorry"
"w-what's wrong with her?"
"your baby has passed away. She's was experiencing problems with her lungs and they failed on her."
I looked at Dylan and then my mum and then just ran out the room.
ahh my baby's been taken away from me.
After all of that
She's gone

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