Chapter 963

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Renae's POV
There was knocking at my bedroom door. I didn't reply but the knocking continued.
Both my parents walked in and sat on the sofa while I sat on my bed. I looked down at my phone and there were a few more moments of silence.
I looked up at them
"For you want something?" I questioned
"Renae, what's wrong?" Mum asked
I raised an eyebrow and giggled to myself.
"You guys are just shutting me out for no reason and this all started because you had a stupid little argument and you guys just don't speak to me and you expect me to be okay with that. Then you tried to ground me for having sex with Mason but if you lots didn't argue it probably wouldn't have happened the way it did. And tbh, idrc what you have to say about me having sex because I wanted to and you can't do anything to change it now 🙂"
They shared a look
"Well your dad and I were arguing because-"
"That doesn't matter" dad cut her off
"See what I mean? Shutting me out. Again."
"Renae we're done arguing now so that's all that matters-"
"Okay well maybe now you could try speaking to me? You know like when I come home from school "hi Ren how was your day?" Is that too much to ask for?"
They didn't reply
I sighed "and this ignoring thing gets on my fucking nerves!!!"
"No! All you guys do is ignore me! Every single fricking day I'm being ignored so if you have nothing more to say to me; get out of my room"
They looked at each other then left

India's POV
"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" She screamed as I shut her bedroom door.
Well that didn't go well 😔

Tyrell's POV
Renae was crying on the phone to me... Again.
Irdk what I'm meant to do now. This needs to get sorted out. Idk how I'm gonna do it. But I will.

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