Chapter 960

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Jayda's POV
The whole squad was on the bus enroute school.
I looked back and Mason and Renae were proper making out
I smiled and snapped them
Caption: all loved up 💕💕
"Get a room" Jayce chuckled making all the guys laugh
They pulled away smiling and Renae rested on her chest
"Leave them, they're cute" I smiled and Renae smiled back at me

Jessica's POV
It made me upset watching both Riley and Isis's snap yesterday.
Riley really loves and he even calls her beautiful all the time.
Ontop of that, she was in his jumper and it looked so big on her and it must've smelt peng.
I really wish I was in her position 😔

Dylan's POV
I was driving to work whilst listening to the radio.
I smiled as the next song came on.
It was Angel and bae's voice is just so beautiful especially in this song.
This song gets me every time tbh.
My little princess youkno

Bailey's POV
Skyler seems much better now; like she doesn't seem as sad eventhough I know deep down, she's probably still hurting
"¿cómo estás?" I asked turning to her
(how are you?)
She smiled a bit "Im good b"
"good good"

Jamal's POV (Isaac's Son, 9 years old)
Me, my bro Kamal my cousin Caine , Kairo and Demarco all got into touble today 🙄
We didn't even do anything 😩
we were playing in the playground like normal, and we were playing football... obviously

So then I passed to Kamal and then he passed to Kairo and then Demarco and then to me and I kicked the ball and it hit miss in the back of her head 😶🙈😅
Obviously... it was an accident but we started laughing afterwards so we all got into trouble and we didn't tell miss who it actually was because we dont snake eachother... obviously

And now dad's probably gonna ban us from PS4... again 😩😩

~ after school ~

Kamal's POV
"Dad, I swear it was an accident we didn't mean to"
"yhh" Jamal agreed with me
Dad looked at mum then back at us
"did you say sorry?"
"yes" we both replied
"mmhmm" he nodded his head
"so we're not grounded" Jamal said
"nah you're not"
Dad chuckled shaking his head and me and Jamal ran out to go play PS4

Riley's POV
Jessica: hey
Riley: what do you want?
Jessica: erm, I just wanted to talk
Riley: go on
Jessica: *sigh* Riley, I don't know what I've done for you to hate me so much but I just wanna tell you that although you and Isis are together, I really do like you and I'm sorry but I just can't help the feelings that I have for you
Like, you're so perfect and all and I can understand why Isis likes you so much
I just hope one day you'll be able to realise how much I love you 😔
Riley: I never said I hated you... I'm just not fond of you because you got into a fight with my girl and her sisters, plus, I don't want you to come inbetween me and Isis's relationship
Jessica: Riley, I just want you to realise how much I like you
Jessica: like I really really like you

I sighed inwardly and closed the chat, how am I meant to reply to that?


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