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{The Maze Runner}
{Manly - newt X reader}

Clunking and clattering. Your head heart. It pounded rhythmically as the the thing you were in swayed. You groaned as you were suddenly thrown into light. Voices scattered, and you couldnt understand a thing about them.

"Its a girl!" Someone yelled. Youre a girl? Of course! You were a girl! A female. Only diffrenecitaed from males by breasts and their-

"Hoist her up" a strong voice interrupted your thoughts. You stared into the face of the blue eyed and brown haired boy who had declared your gender.

"Im Thomas." He spoke, bringing your hand to his and leading you to the newly formed circle of amazed boys.

"Im, I- I- I-, I dont remember!?" you say, cheeks slightly flushing.

"Its ok, itll come back to you. Welcome to the Glade" he said, signaling to the vast field they were on. It was encased by the stone walls, and you couldnt see past. There was a small gap, and it pulled you towards it.

"Woah there Greenie, dont go near the shucking wall" a voice said. You turned to meet a tall blonde boy with sandy hair, a freckled face, flat nose and a mean voice.

"Wh- who are you?" you stuttered, pulling close to Thomas, who stared longingly at the walls. You shook Thomas' shirt and he turned, eyes turning hard with anger and protection.

"Im Gally" he says, his face softening at your fear. He sticks out his hand and you take it. You stick your hand back to the side, and Gally's face hardens again.

The sky turns dark overhead, and you hear panting. You turn towards the doors of the mze, and see two boys running.

They ran close, eyes widening as they approached you.

"Who's this new one?" an Asian boy asks. He at first looks serious, but then you see that he is in fact the opposite.

"She doesn't remember, you klunk. This is Minho. Minho, Greenie. Greenie Minho." Thomas says, laughing softly.

"A girl eh?" said a voice with an accent that made you weak in the knees.

You turned to find a tall boy with messy brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hello, Im Newt." he says, grinning. You look at him, tilting you head. You've seen him before. You have a warm feeling in your stomach, safety, and you let go of your tight grip to Thomas, who is now engaged in a full conversation about the maze with Minho ( A/N I have a guy in my 6th period whose name is Minho. He hates me. And he has a bowl cut.).

You walk towards Newt, who then launches into a full explanation about the jobs. He says that the runners are only allowed in the maze, and you gaze longingly at it. It pulls you towards it beckons questions any head. Is this what Thomas felt? You sighed.


(Ok Im just doing this for the sake of Newt hugging you.  I JUST WANT NEWT TO HUG ME!)

Its been a few weeks since you first came to the Glades. You still didn't know your name, and it was apparently strange for other people; since they had all gotten in a matter of weeks.

Today you were going to be assigned a job.

It didn't scare you.

Did it?

You'd been working a few jobs here and there, helping out mostly. You were unsure what to make of it; what to do. You sighed and shook your head. Newt came up to you and put on hand on your back. His touch sends shivers down your spines. He blushes. You blush. Its a lit ass blush party.

"Hey. Its ok, Alby knows what he's doing, okay?" he says, assuring you. He hugs you, making you feel safe and sound (Doo-doo-do-do-do-do-doo Safe and sound). You never want him to leave, and you wrap your hands around him. He buries his head into your hair, and you can feel his lips curl up in a smile. You smile yourself.

*Time skip brought to you by a fashionista Steve Rogers*

You took a deep breath.

"Greenie" Alby's deep voice resounds in your head, and it triggered a memory.


"Sweetie?" A woman voice called out. It sounded welcoming.

"What?" you asked, happily.

"Come over here... (y/n)" she said.


"Greenie? You there?" A voice asked. It was Gally's mean voice, followed by snorting laughter.

"Don't call me Greenie." You said, staring him down.

"Then what should I call you? Klunk Brain?" Laughter scattered amongst the crowds.

"NO. (Y/N)." you said defiantly. His face changed, as if he was remembering something.

"(Y/N)?" he spoke softly. His eyes glimmered. For a second, he looked approachable. Then he went back to his usual demeanor.

"Wow, what a stupid name." he said.

"Well I think its a lovely name, (y/n)." a familiar British voice says. You turned to see Newt. He grinned, and you returned the favor as you walked up to Alby.

"You are a.... RUNNER!" he says, smiling widely as scattered gasps and applause filled the silence.

You run to Newt and hug him. He whispers something in your ear.

"I have something to tell you. Meet me near our tree." you nod slowly and he pulls away, leaving you confused and cold. Thomas looks at you, first with jealous, and then with happiness. He walks towards you.

"congratulations! you're a shucking runner!" He says.

After the congratulating and welcoming, you walk over to the tree to see Newt, sitting below the tree with his arms and legs crossed. You walk towards him, and he grins.

"Hey Newt." you say, and sit next to him.

"Hey, (y/n)" he drags your name. He pauses, his face filled in thoughts as he stares up towards the sky. "Its beautiful really." he speaks finally, breaking the calm silence between you two.

"What is?"

"The Lake, this place, your name." he pauses and looks up into your eyes. "You."

You blush and open your mouth to speak, stopped by Newt. He's on top you, kissing you passionately. At first your eyes widen in surprise, but then you melt into the kiss. He holds your waist closer to deepen it, and if he could, he'd probably smile. You pull back for air, like him, but in 3 seconds, he pulls your waist back to him, plunging you back into the kiss. He moves his tongue into your mouth, and you bite his lip, earning a soft moan from him. In seconds you are spread on the floor, him on top you.

He sits up. The kiss... it lasted 4 straight minutes.

"That was..." you begin, but can't find a word for it.

"I've liked you for a while now, (y/n), but when you told me your name, I-" he paused to look into your eyes.

"I fell in love with you." He grinned wildly, as if he was admitting it to himself.

You smiled like an idiot, pulling his shirt in for another kiss.

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