Sherlock Holmes Pt. 2

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{child genius pt 2. - Sherlock Holmes X reader}

"Sherlock..." John called, eyeing the two guests in his house. One was bound with many suitcases, the other a tall man who continuously kept checking his watch.

"SHERLOCK HOLMES" the man yelled. Suddenly, Sherlock ran out of the room.

"Mycroft?" he asked.


"Hello." The second guest, a girl with (e/c) eyes, chimed

"I'm leaving her here for a few months, while I have some" he paused. "Business" he turned to the girl "to attend in Baghdad. Treat her well, I'll be back in 4." And he sped out the door, leaving Sherlock and John with an extraordinary young woman in their hands.

"Well, then" said John. "Sorry it's a bit of a mess, we weren't really expecting any guests this evening."

"Well Whatever." Sherlock grumbled, secretly happy that (y/n) was in their hands. John had absolutely no problem in showing it though. His face was merry, a smile shining through.

"What shall we do?" Sherlock asked.

"I could sleep on the floor"

"No that's not ver-"

"I've done it a million times and I'm ok with doing it again," Sherlock looked mad as he said the next line. "John."

"Sherlock? Are you ok?" Said John with a look of pure concern.

While they started to argue, (y/n) started to unpack. She had very little belongings. She puts small blanket and a comfy pillow on the couch and placed a few personal items on a small shelf. She left the little amount of clothes she had in her bag, and called out to the arguing pair.

"Sherlock! John! I'm fine ok?" she said. Both men turned to her and their eyes grew wide.



"There's a little"


John tried to get the words out, Sherlock just staying stunned. He suddenly broke out of his daze. He pointed to her pants.

"You got a little something their" he said then walked into his room. She looked down to see a growing stain of red.

"Shit." Was all she said as she ran with her 'lady supplies' into the bathroom, leaving a laughing Sherlock and a confused John.

*a few months later*

A loud knock on the door echoed through the room as Sherlock and (y/n) were exchanging mathematical formulas.

"John get the door! Like I was saying, if we take the c variable and divide it over the x variable we can find the answer to the second part of the 3rd division then-"

"Hello Sherlock." Sherlock stiffened and nodded

"Hello... Mycroft."

"I'm afraid we'd have to cut this 'party' short, you may pack up swiftly now, we must lies E immediately."

"Why so quickly?" She asked.

"Child, your uncle has been murdered. We just need to leave and head to the secure-"

"We can keep her" said Sherlock, surprising everyone in the room.

"We can?" Says John unsuredly.

"I'll have to do the paperwork and then-" Mycroft sighs and shakes his head at Sherlocks whining face and pleading eyes.

"Fine. One on condition. If anything, and I mean ANYTHING, happens to (y/n) you will be held at full responsibility" Mycroft says, and with a sigh, walks out.

"What just happened?" (Y/n) asks, confused.

"You're staying with us now." Says Sherlock giddily.

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