Sam + Dean Winchester

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{makeup - Winchester bros X reader}
[a/n - For a beautiful person Specially requested]

You lugged both boys on your shoulders. They, being the stupid idgits they were, didn't listen to your warnings and ended up getting knocked out by some witch. Now, they were in your couch, as far from conscious living as possible. You were bored, the TV playing some random show you didn't and didn't plan to watch. You walked back into your room, and something caught your eye.

A shiny palette of eyeshadow beckoned you towards yet. Your eyes glinted with mischief, immediately knowing what you were going to do with the sleeping idiots.


Sam was the first to wake up. He shot up, panting heavily, at first confused where he was. His face felt weird, but he assumed it was just sweat and left it. He needed to move around. Wondering, where (y/n) was, he started to walk around. There was a full-length mirror next to the door, and wanted to see how bad he looked right now, unaware of the "situation" on his face.

He looked into the mirror, and screamed, horrified of what he saw.


Dean heard a loud scream, shaking him out of his daze. His face was heavy, probably from fatigue, he reasoned. Sam stormed into where Dean was, and started laughing. Dean laughed at Sams face, unaware of his own. Then Sam, still laughing, pointed to the mirror. Dean turned and screamed.



You heard a loud scream, and then 5 seconds later, another scream, accompanied by a fare my serious, "IM FABULOUS!" You ran out of the room, running to Deans voice, laughing the whole way.

Dean had dark red lipstick, and a thin catering with blood-red ombré eyeshadow. He had a slight blush, and his green eyes seemed ever more green. Sam had just red lipstick, and a thick cat eye and a smoky eye. Dean kept pinching himself and Sam kept laughing.

They turned around and looked at her, faces sneering.

"Better watch out" Dean says

"We're always watching" Sam whispers.

You break out in a run and speed across the suite to the door, and running to the elevator with no shoes. You pressed the button, and not long after, Dean wrapped his arms around your waist and Sam grabbed your legs. They swung you side to side and carried you back to the suite, with you screaming for help the entire time.

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