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{pizza man - Castiel X reader}

You walked in, and in seeing only Castiel, slipped off the black leather dress. Castle's back was to you, so you slipped on a pair of shorts and threw you heels onto the floor. Upon hearing the black heels clatter on the floor, he spun around, to face you in a bra and shorts.

"CASS!" you squealed, covering up for chest. You shut your eyes, and opened them and suddenly Cass was in front of you, his hand touching your bare shoulders.


"Yes (y'n)?"

"What are you doi-" he pushed you against the wall, raising you a bit against it while slamming his lips onto yours. His hands move up and down your waist, finding every sensitive spot he can, all while his tongue roamed your mouth. You moaned, and he tilted his head into yours so that the kiss became deeper. He pulled back for air.

"What was that Cass?"

"Something i learned from the pizza man" he murmured against your lips. Then he pulled your waist into another deep kiss.

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