Dan Howell

144 7 1

{danisnotonfire }
{Crumpled Notes - Dan x reader}

You slumped in your seat, the teacher droning on about a subject you already knew too much about. You feel something hit your head and fall on the floor. It was a crumpled piece of paper, from behind you. You grabbed the paper and opened it up.


You turned in your seat to see a smirking Dan Howell. You laugh as he sticks his tongue out. He was right behind you. You grabbed a sharpie from your bag, which was next to a bag of crisps. He looked at you expectantly, ignoring the other girls in the class who were clearly trying to flirt with him. A few glared at you. You started to scribble down a few words, and threw the paper at him

Hey Nandos after school?

You turned in your seat to look for his response. He nodded and threw the paper at you.

Yeah Sure! Let me just call up my mum

He smiled when you threw the paper back at him

Great you banana!


No you're banana


That I am.


But you're my banana.




I like you.


The paper landed on the floor right next to the teacher, since Dan over shot. The teacher picked up the paper and threw it the trash can under his desk. You groaned but Dan looked slightly relived. The bell rang, waking up some sleepy students. You grabbed your backpack and pulled the crisps out of it.

"Hey.... Bestie.... Pal.... Bud... The person you love the most..." Dan came up behind you.

"Dan, you're not getting the crisps from me unless you ask nicely. And that itself is a slim 0.01% chance of occurring"

"(Y/N)...." He whined.

"what danana?"

"Gimme your food!" He yelled and lunges for the crisps. You moved out of the way and he fell face first into the glossy floor.


"I think I broke my nose. Ah fuck it hurts like fuckity shit fuck fuck fuckkk" he says, holding his bleeding nose.

"So no Nandos?"

"Why you little-"

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