Tylo Renseph

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{twenty øne pilots}

{Kiddo - Tyer Joseph}

[a/n - there are so many drafts I'm trying to finish stop judging me I know I'm taking too much time]

Tyler sat down next to you. To be honest, you had only met the shy boy twice. Although you had to admit, he was pretty damn cute. If not hot. SO why was he seated, on his cute butt, next to you? Well, you were in high school (surprisingly you haven't been expelled yet!!!1!!1!11!!), and your AP Bio teacher had decidedly taken matters of partners into his own hands. SO instead of Tyler sitting with his usual bestie, and you being alone and happy, you were now sitting next to the only attractive and non-man-slut in the school.

Fate. Its a nasty motherfucker.

Anyways, he brought out his notebook, and opened it up. The notes almost could have been neat. It was. Except for the numerous words scattered along the available edges and binding of the paper in a dark reddish ink. Your eyes scanned over a few of them. They were amazing. Deep. Beautiful. You slid your notebook towards him, refusing to make eye contact as you prepared to compare notes.

You decided to speak up.

"So for this project, since we have to do something with aerobic and anaerobic and microorganisms, two seemingly unrelated scientific notions, we could maybe, i don't know, do the testing of yeast under both anaerobic and aerobic circumstances and measure the-"

"carbon dioxide output to test yeast metabolism" He smiled brightly as he finished the sentence for you. Your eyes widened and you slumped a bit backwards in your chair.

"Maybe I underestimated you, Joseph" you say. before you spoke, you though that maybe you should use is last name. it sounded edgy, cool, hipster, even movie-like. You really didn't even know. [a/n - author chan didn't either]. He raised one eyebrow and you slightly winced. But it wasn't at your stupid ass previous dialogue {a/n - author chan laughs evilly bc author chan can prolly kill you], it was because he had seen your doodles. Your terribly depressing doodles that were strung loosely around guitar chords.

"those were pretty sick dude"

"thanks..." you said cautiously, slowly covering the notebook and your sketches with it. He looked over, blushing a bit.

"Sorry- I didn't mean- to look, I'm sorry." He stutters out. You laugh at how adorable that was, and shake your head.

"Nah it's fine, just personal shit you know?"

"That's actually better than my shit. It's just depressing" he says, opening up to multiple lyrics and notes. You smile softly.

"That's cool. And those are hella good. You play the ukulele?"

"Yeah! And the piano, and synthesizer, guitar, trumpet, basically a shitload."

"I can only play the ukulele, the electric guitar, and trombone" you chuckled. He smiled an ADORABLE ASS FUCKING SMILE, and your heart melted. Soon, you found your self in deep conversation with him, and had nothing dun for the project. The bell rang, and Tyler slid you a piece of paper with his number. You look up.

"We should meet up, for- for the project and stuff my uh that's my number." GAHHH HIS AWKWARDNESS WAS GOIN TO KILL YOU. You blushed just a bit, and nodded. After school, you opened up your phone to text Tyler.

(Y/n) - hai
tyjo- sup

The reply was almost immediate. You laughed at the thought that maybe, just maybe, he liked you back.

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