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{from X-Men}

//So Long - Angel x Reader

Day after day, for weeks on end, he would do the same thing repeatedly. Wake up. Dress. Fight. Kill. Fight. Kill. Fight. Kill. Undress. Sleep. Repeat. Ever since he was a child, this was his life. Almost no variety, other than his opponents, the adrenaline form the fights becoming monotonous. Until you came. It was weird at first, having someone next to you who you weren't going to have to try to kill the next day. You just sat there, slumping onto the cold concrete floor of the cages they placed you in. You were more for entertainment of the crew, as they only knew for one of your powers- controlling water. That was utterly useless in the snow-encased Germany, so you played around with the vial of water that you always had in your necklace. You didn't want to reveal too much about yourself, but when everyone was asleep , you would create your own water from the air and play with the moonlight on the floor.

One day, Angel slowly opened his eyes, trying to calmly awake from the nightmare he had just found himself drowning in, his dilated pupils adjusting to the strange brightness for 4 in the morning. He looked around silently, and when not seeing any lights on, he inspected the sight in front of him. There was, this white glowing light, dancing around the room. He heard a low chuckle, and he spun to the source.

She was controlling the moonlight, creating little animals and people and faces from it, and at times her eyes would flash a strange lucid blue, very different from your usual (e/c) eyes. Your smile was perhaps the most beautiful things that hes ever seen in his life. So he kept quite, relishing that face for as long as he could. But then he just had to speak, to hear her voice for what must have been his first time.

"So- uh- do you do that often?" he carefully worded,

"What?" she said, looking up like she had known he was there the whole time, but was just acknowledging him.

"Um, I meant do you always do that- you know- with the moonlight?" he asked, sweeping his blonde hair out of his face.

"Yeah- I guess. Can- Can I touch them?" you asked, your voice becoming small.

"Uh- I guess." He said, and she reached through the cage bars, touching them cau tiidluy. As soon as her sleek fingers made contact with the wings, pleasure ran through Angel's body. He moaned out loud, and you ran your fingers through his feathers, making him close his eyes tightly.

"That- that feels good." He says in a low voice. You laugh softly, your voice in a whisper, and reply;

"Do you want me to continue?" He shrugged and nodded, and you hand continued up his wing's axilliars. His green eyes made contact with yours, and a silent agreement was made that day, to make sure neither was ever lonely. To be there for each other, no matter what.

current ˚˚˚

You leaned on the long concrete pillars, turning away when Angel cracked the man's neck. You heard him say the prayer under his breath quickly, then plastered the smile of a victorious drunk on his face, earning louder cheers from the cruel crowds. He smiled at them, and the ring master let him out, since it was the last match of the night. They always gave them a few minutes of free time, so you and him used that to his advantage, spending as much as time as possible together. He stepped out, his fake mask falling and his face of remorse taking over. You enveloped him in a hug, letting him bury his head into your worn out but warm jacket. He was taller than you, but it still worked.

"He- He had a family. It was his first fight- he was only 17! I killed him- Killed him!" he choked out, and you let him get your jacket's shoulder soaked with salty tears. This was what would always happen. After every fight, he would come rushing to you, letting all the guilt get out, during it in forms of words from his mouth. And You would always listen. After that, you two would walk to the bar and grab the same thing- 7 year aged whiskey, bc that was the highest quality possible. And during that, you two would talk. But today, there would be a different outcome from just you walking away into your room and Angel walking away to his, starting over the whole process. The only thing that kept him fighting was her, to see your face after every match. He knew that the next day could be his last, and that he would never see you again, and you him. And that terrified him. Knowing that he died without confessing his love to you. So, he was going to do something, fast.

After Angel had told you everything, he stayed in your embrace, instead of pulling away. This could and would be the only day they were still friends, because after this, they could be strangers, or even enemies. He took in the smell of your short (h/c) hair, cut to make easier for you to manage with the constant moving. His arms slid to her waist, but you didn't mind, your eyes looking out towards the city, flashing with all the streetlights and cars.

After a good two minutes, he pulled away. He looked into your eyes, and in one swift move, brought his hands to your head, your chin closer to him, your lips stray moments away from his, and kissed you. It was sweet, the way he was so gentle, to make sure everything was just right. You, of course, were surprised. You had before, never seen him like this. But you had constantly noted how attractive he was, and how he was so different and caring than the man in the cage who'd ruthlessly kill people. And so you kissed back, letting all the tightness that his contracted, terrified of the outcome muscles were in.

Soon, the kiss became passionate, his hands sliding over to your waist, yours to his chin, and he pushed you against the wall, spinning you around. Lust flashed in his eyes, and yours flashed that lucid blue. He smiled and mumbled against the kiss, but you could understand it.

"Ive wanted this for so long."

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