Draco Malfoy + Ron Weasley Pt. 2

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{Harry Potter}
{mine - Draco Malfoy X reader X Ron Wesley}

Halfway through the train ride, you began to feel lonely. No one was sitting next to you in the train, so your cart remained relatively empty. You popped open a muggle book, labeled "Divergent". You like this one a lot, and had the entire series safely tucked in your small suitcase. You started to read, not noticing when you heard a knock on your sliding compartment door.

Suddenly, your door slid open to find a boy with messy orange hair, a girl with crazy golden hair, and a scrawny boy which vibrant green eyes and thin glasses.

"Who are you?" The girl asked, clearly unhappy that they weren't alone.

"(Y/n), you?" You answer calmly. The guy with scruffy orange hair smiles weirdly, than blushes.

"R-Ron" he stutters at your gaze. Does he like you? He can't like you. You're... you.

"And you?" You signal to the girl.

"Hermione Granger. Not so much pleased to make you acquaintance " she spat. You backed away slowly and noticed Ron glaring at her. The remaining boy looks at you strangely, as if remembering something. Then it hits you. This is the boy from the zoo.

"Harry Potter. My name is Harry Potter" he finally says. You nod and remember the strange glass incident. The snake had hissed something strange at him and you understood. Something about Brazil. You shook your head.

"From the zoo, remember?" He looked as if he had finally remembered that word he was looking for.

"AH YES! You were one of the volunteers right?" He says cheerfully. Little did you know, he was remembering how he thought you were really pretty.

"Ok then sit down won't you. Let's share some life stories" says Ron, rubbing his hands together maliciously.

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