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{nice pair there - wade Wilson/deadpool X reader}
[a/n - your a female dead pool btw]

A huge red portal split the air at the moment when Wade shot the bullet through his head. It warped the things around it, creating a weird effect to Wades eyes. Out stepped a different person, similar to the outfit Wade was wearing, except you could see the obvious shape on the chest that was boobs. Another figure crashed out, landing atop the replica, with a gun to the figures head. It seemed to be... a girl version of Francis? The sound of the bullet echoed through the air, and suddenly, the female Wade realized where she was.

She quickly pushed off the body and jumped up, defensive.

"Where the fuck am I?" she asks, her voice hoarse.

"Why the fuck are you wearing my suit?"

"If I was wearing your suit my tits would be squished"

"Ex-cah-use Me? Can you not see my luscious breasts?"

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't notice! You've got a nice pair there!" she replied, voice dripping in sarcasm.

"I like you. A lot."

"That's nice now answer my original question or I'll shoot you in the head."

"Youre on earth."

"Nooooooo. I did not know that, thank you for giving me this extremely useful information."

"Ok, I'm Deadpool." he replied.

"Uh-uh... totally"

"No seriously who are you"

"You realize that IM Deadpool right?"

"No, I'm Deadpool!"

"No!!!!! IM DEADPOOL!"

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am!"

"You're lying!"


Her and Wade began yelling at each other like little kids, until a heavily accented voice cut through.

"Can you children shut up and turn?"

They both turned around at the source.

"What's it to you?" They both said at the same time.

"Stop fighting like little ram. Ask real name and take mask off." He said in short little bursts, and looked at the teenage girl next to him.

"Negasonic Teenage Warhead? Is that you?" the woman asked.

She looked unfazed, barely glancing up.

"That name is pure... goals? Is that what they say?" the female Deadpool asked.

"Idk btw your outfit is so LIKE CUTE." The male Deadpool replied.

"OMG, like, Thanks! I love yours so like much!" she replied.

The teenager rolled her eyes.

"What's your actual name."

"Wade Wilson."

"(Y/l/n)(y/f/n)" you reply.

"Niiiiiiice." he said.

He pulled off his mask.

"You look like an Asiago Cheese Bagel." You replied casually while taking your off. Wades mouth dropped open. He couldn't even notice your badly burnt skin over what he thought were your stunningly beautiful features.


"Same to you Cheese Bagel."

"Thanks hot stuff" he said in a horrible Jersey accent.

"Oh god."

"I know."

"Does this mean... we're friends?"

"Yes Bagel Man."

"MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND WOMAN, I'm either a Asiago Cheese Bagel, a Cheese Bagel, or FUCKIN BAGEL MAN!"

"You're all 3 sir."

"Now I'm 'Sir!' SERIOUSLY!"

"Goddamit, you've got me."

"Good. Wanna go out."

"See, awkward, I have this guy back home, Vincent..."

"Oh! I forgot! I have Vanessa! Silly me!" at that exact moment, Vanessa seemed to walk down.

"Wade... who is this!" she exclaims and puts her arms around his waist protectively.

"Wow. You look like Vincent. But less Vincent."


The giant red portal opened up again.

"That's my cue."

(Y/n) jumped into the warp and it closed behind her, leaving Wade confused and a little turned on at the last view of her ass.

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