Dark Charlie Bradbury

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{LUST - Dark Charlie x Reader}

{Kinda Smut}

[many more imagines coming up]

You were just sitting in your house, reading the graphic novel version of the second lord of the rings. You were halfway through, when suddenly you heard a loud clatter upstairs.

"Hello? Is any-" you were cut short by a very familiar but unrecognizable person, pushing you onto your wall. As she held her hands to her neck, you smelled her scent. Underneath the sweat and dirt and musk, you recognized the particular breath that was breathing on your face.

"Charlie?" you asked, looking at her cut hair and dark expression, lust playing in her eyes. Her lips brushed your neck.

"Heya (y/n)." she whispered, her warm breath softly hitting your breath.

"Ch-Charlie? What are you doing?" you stuttered, more confused then scared at the cool knife that rested on your throat.

"Doing what Princesss never had the guts to do" she said, and pulled away slightly.

"What do you mean?" you said, your eyes landing on the second to last drawer on one of your shelves. If only...

"You'll see." she mutters, and in a matter of seconds, your pinned onto the soft couch, Charlie on top of you. Suddenly, her lips latched on to yours, making your breath hitch and your heart stop. Her hand went up your shirt.

"What are you doing?" you tried to say, your cheeks heating up, and your heart racing.

"Im doing..." she lifted your shirt off your head, and planted a kiss on your nose "you." And with that she started to passionately kiss you.

You were confused. You wanted so bad to push her off, but a part of you said no, this is what you've been waiting for, for just so, so long. So you gave in.


The door smashed open, to reveal a panting Dean.

"CHAR- HOLY FUCK WHAT THE SHIT" Dean covered his eyes with his gun. Charlie tilts her head towards Dean, not moving from her position atop you.

"OH hey Dean-o, why don't you movie your sorry ass outta here and let me finish my job."


"Yeh, you know, (y/n) over here."

"(Y/N)? Like (y/f/n)?"

"Hi" you weakly reeky underneath Charlie, whose fingers were pumping in and out of you.

"ITs me, Dean Win-"

"I- I know who you are"

"Im going to get you outta here, ok?"

"No I'm- FUCK- fine riiiii- oh oh god-ght where i am "

"Is she- you know?"

"Yep and I would - OH GOD- apprecirae it if you- YES YES YES- left"

"You know what thats a good idea, I'm just gonna head out that door, ok bye..."

And Charlie continued to do what she was doing, laughing as Dean quickly slammed the door shut.

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