Scorpius Malfoy

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{Harry potter}
{mistake - scorpious malfoy X reader}

Being called a mistake was one thing. Knowing you were a mistake was another thing. And accepting you were a mistake? Well... that was a whole different topic.

It's been a few years since your parents slammed the door on your tear stained face. A few years since you got the letter that changed everything.

You see- your parents... weren't very understanding. They were highly religious, so when they learned you had magic, you were sent away. Away meaning kicked out of your house to live on the streets and cleanse thy self of sins. Bullshit if you ask me, you muttered, collecting your robes for your 3rd year at Hogwarts. You worked 7 full time jobs in order to barely pass by for the money you needed for school an supplies.

You got strategy A's, hoping for a scholarship every year. You kept quite to your thoughts absorbed in Academics. But you were going to do something spontaneous. Show he side of you you had car felt chosen for no one to see.

You decided, since no one was to boss you around, you would try out for the Seeker in the quidditch team. You were good at flying, and in your muggle home, you were quite good at catch, so you expected to be ok at it.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. You never thought your were pretty. You couldn't catch anyone's eyes. You were too (thin/fat), too ugly, had bad hair, and couldn't NEVER EVER get anyone's attention. Especially not Scorpius Malfoy. You had a bit of a crush on him, nothing muchZ you pained down these thoughts and walked out the door, and into Oliver Wood.

"uh- hi?" He said, scratching the back of his head win an adore ale Irish accent.

"Hi... when are the quidditch tryouts?" You ask calmly. His eyes widen in surprise.

"You? Quidditch? Really?" He asked, baffled.

"Yeah yeah, answer my question Wood." You said, glaring at him.

"Yes, it's today. See you there I guess?" He says nodding, and walk out. You walked into the Dining Hall, and apparently anything everyone is talking about is you playing. The hall goes silent and people pint and stare at you. Whispers began to float incoherently at the room. Eventually, people stopped and lost interest. Except for Scorpius Malfoy.

He continued to stare at you through out the entire lunch period. He had known you were into book, secretly hoping you were into him, but Quidditch? He didn't expect it from you. He wanted to see This girl in action. He like the way you slightly stuck your tongue out when you concentrated, or the way you brushed back strange of you (h/c) hair back behind your ears. How you wished you (had/didn't have) freckles. How you (loved/hated) your thick framed glasses. He shook his head. No. You were a Mudblood. A lowly poor, insufferable, disgusting, beautiful, wonderful... ARGH.

*At Tryouts*

He stood in the back of the crowd, watching. You were intent on finding the snitch, and in only a matter of seconds, even after being blindfolded when the snitch was released, she found it and snatched it. He saw Oliver grin wildly and hug you. He saw you grin when he whispered something in his ear. He saw you kiss his cheek. He turned away, a weird feeling brewing in his stomach. Jealousy filled his face, turning it red. He muttered a hex at Oliver's direction, and large pimples started to grow on his skin. He laughed, and walked to his friend who was intently reading a book.

"Come on let's go Pug face" he hissed into his ears.

"Coming Scorpius! God be patient!"

*after 8th match in the row you've won for them*

You sulked into your corner. You didn't want to celebrate. You felt tired and angry. Your parents had just sent you a letter, learning of your inheritance to a large amount of money from a distant relative, requesting- more like demanding- that you come live with them. The last sentence stood clear in your mind, causing tears to spill down your face.

This is your chance to prove your not as much as the mistake we thought you were.

The words numbed you, and sons erupted fork your mouth. You heard approaching footsteps, but didn't care. Suddenly, the door swung open, and you saw a very concerned Scorpius.

"(y/n)- Oh my god. Are you ok oh god what happened-" he says taking deep breaths Ina DJ out as he lifted you into his shoulders. You didn't stop crying.

"Are you ok?! (y/n)! Answer me! Are you ok?" You barely nodded.

"what happened? Did someone hurt you? I swear..." He says. You laugh softly.

He looks at you confused.

"Tell me- what happened?" He asks. You feel safe, and you spill everything to him. He nods.

Your out of breath, out of tears, and out of sadness. Now there's only anger left. Scorpius sees this, and hugs you. Your anger subsided, and you hugged him back. You pulled away and started to scream at the wall.

Words swirled around your head and pored out as a venom out of your mouth.

"YOURE A MISTAKE! ITS YOUR FAULT THEYRE GONE NO ONE WANTS YOU JUST DIE ALREADY GO AWAY SCORPIOUS YOU WONT UNDERTANAD AAAAAAAARAGH!" You scream at the mirror. Scorpious takes you and pulls you to his chest, making you calm down at his scent.

"You will never be a mistake." he says. And that was all it took to make you fall in love with him

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