Nico De Angelo

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{Percy Jackson}
{the one - nico de Angelo X reader}

You looked out the window, enjoying the last good view before everything turned grey and bleak. It was June 1st, 1990. You were heading to a correctional facility in the West, you being from California. All the way to Maine. On bus.

The luscious green hills turned into tall skyscrapers. People scampered hurrieldy.

You turned to look at your busmates. This was bullcrap. You had a slut and a man-whore, who were constatntly hitting on each. You sighed, and thought at least the man whore wasnt coming to you. You pulled the hood over your head and tried to sleep.

You didnt kill anyone. Your mother was just a crazy woman, you thought. You mom was anyways. SHe had gone suicidal when your father went. Cutting herself, multiple suicide attempts, beattling druf and alchohol addiction. No winder you were starting to go in your same path. You didnt remember much of your father. You remembered he was myserious and dark, and after he left, your mother would blame you. She woudl call you the "Daighter of Death" and "The reason why this world is hell - why my world is hell". Never was that loving mom either.

But you know for a fact you didnt kill anyone. You had wished they were dead with aburning passion, planned everything out, but you didnt kill them. You couldnt. Could you? Homicidal thoughts were unusual in your twisted mind. You sighed. You actually never understood why you rmom called you Daughter of Death. You shrugged it off and then drifted off to sleep.

*2 Months later*

It was chaos. People were screaming, cryong waling, running, tripping, everything-ing. The loudest siren you had ever heard of was blaring, and you smiled. This was your chance. You spotted one of the more panicked gaurds and ran towards him. He was openening the door slowly. You pushed him aside and gabbed his securtiy cards, running past all the securtiy measures, not caring if you set them off. You ran and ran and ran until you were outside, in a large flat plain covered in cement. You spotted a fleck of green in the distance, and started your way their. Your pace quickened as you heard several gunshots and loud screaming.

*In New York City*

You felt someone watching your back. You turned to see a lady with a small hat and a woerd crooked sorta smile. Her image flashed, and suddenly, you saw a lady with bright green snkaes for hair and tusks portruding out of her mouth. Scales replaced her skin, and her eyes were an eerie yellow. You gasped, and she smirked.

"Like what you see?" and she lunged forward. You pushed her off and grabbed the nearest thing, whoch happened to be a rotting banana, and threw it at her. The banana hit her straight in the eye and she screamed in pain. you started running with your already overused legs. You bump into someone.

He has pale skin and dark black hair. His eyes are a deep brown, and he has a DAMN(error 403 word cannot be found so replaced with feeling ) jawline. At first, he seems confused. He feels an aura of power comeing from you. Then realization strikes him as he sees the Gorgon that seems to be closing in on you two. He takes your hadn and guides you to the nearest shelter, and takes out a large sword. At first glance, you see a black hole, but in a sword like shape. Then you realize that its a sword, and he grabs another one out of his pocket. HE HANDS IT to you reluctantly, and you grab it.

It feels comfortable in your hands and immediately, you run towards the scaly lady. Gorgon. You rememebred. Noth scaly lady, gorgon. You used some crazy weird method of fighting like youd done this before, and had her down on the floor in a matter of seconds. A weird thought came to you. Cut off her head. So you did. She dissolved into magical pieces of green-golden glitter. You turned to see the boy staring at you, mouth wide open. Then he realizes that you had noticed his astonishment, so he quickly shut his mouth and tried to bursh it off, hands folded and leaning to one side.

"Uh - what the literal fuck just happened?" you say, unsure of the reality of the situation.

"Wel, um, you know..." he begins and suddenly stops and looks at something on top of your head. A large navy blue (inverted torch vvvvv) symbol floated above your head.

 A large navy blue (inverted torch vvvvv) symbol floated above your head

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He stared at you strangley, then nodded.

"Thanatos. Your father must be Thanatos. I need to take you somewhere" He says, and then grabs you hand.

*2 years later after camp and shit and what not*

Nico had been avoiding you all day, and you were starting to get worried. You glanced him leaving the campfire early, so slowly got up t stalk him. He turned to a short stump, and sat on it. He started to mutter.

"You can tell her. Hi, I like you! you can tell her you like her, she likes you right...?" he says, tlaking a bit luder. A pang of jealousy hits you, and you didnt even realize that you like him. Didnt you? You couldnt... You coudlnt hel but feek a but of envy to whoever stole Nicos heart. You shrugged it off and walked to your cabin, feeling immensly tired, and plopped on your bed.

You hear a loud knock and groaned, aas you were just abiut to fall asleep.

"WHO IS IT?" you yelled. The door creaked open, and there stood Nico.

"Hey... (y/n)' he said awkwardly, and sat next to you on your bed. You were always the only one here, so privacy was usually never a problem.

"yeh?" you say, annoyed.

"Can I ask you something?" he says nervously.

"Yeh what?"

"If a guy said he liked you, even maybe loved you, would you beleive him?" he asked timidly.

You burst out in laughter.

"A) Who could love me? B) Have you seen this body?" you laugh, but then your face turns serious.

"If anyone did say that... I wouldnt be able to belive it." you say sadly. Years of neglect and betrayal had done that to you. You took a deep breath and looked at Nico, who stared at you.

"(Y/n)?" he asks.

"What Nico Di Angelo?" you asked.

"I love you." and before you could reply, he slammed his lips against yours. You couldnt move at first, but then gave in to the warm feeling spreading.

Needless to say, you couldnt walk for the next 2 days. (winks at nonexistent camera)

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