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{coffee guy - Clark Kent X reader}

"Oh yeah, and a venti upside down carmaker macchiato iced, 4 pumps vanilla, 2 caramel, and extra caffeine" your boss said, waving her hand dismissively as she finished off the list of things she wanted you to do. Interning for your dream job wasn't exactly going to plan, as you were juggling piles of paper and a huge folder.

You ran back to your desk and kept the papers down. She always wanted her coffee first, so you ran into the elevator, and quickly made your way to the nearest Starbucks.

*to after the purchase of caffeinated heaven*

"Uh? Margaret?" The barista called out, holding out your bosses drink with her name in it. You nodded and grabbed it, not realizing the man right in front of you. Coffee went everywhere, on your shirt and skirt and into your *cough* unmentionables *cough*.

He chuckled slightly as you panicked (at the disco) and took off his jacket. He had a strong jawline and deep blue eyes, covered by thick black glasses. He slid off his jacket and handed it to you.

"To cover that mess up. You want me to pay for the next drink?" He asked, his deep voice rumbling through your bones.

"No, it's ok, I'll just- yeah uh bye." You said, like the awkward little duck you are. He out the jacket in your hands as he walked away. Then you remembered something from when he was taking off his jacket. His white shirt had stretched a little, showing off a blue something underneath. Maybe an undershirt? Men's undershirts could be blue, right?

You walked out of the store later, wearing the jacket he gave you, wondering what had just happened.

*middle of the week*

*at night*

*off a building*

The feeling of falling was strange. It was the feeling of euphoria of a roller coaster, but there were an uncertainty about that just made it... different. Time seemed to slow down, the ground seemed to gradually come closer. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself calmly for the impact. (From experience)

Suddenly, strong arms swooped you before you could make contact with the cement.

You gasped back to consciousness, the feeling of strange nirvana of near death abruptly leaving you.

"Wha-?" You try, words failing you.

"It's ok. It's- it's ok." Your savior says. That voice- so familiar. Coffee Guy!

"Co-Co-Coffee guy?" You say, and then mentally slap yourself.

"Yes, coffee guy." He laughs softly.

You hear screaming on your left, and apparently coffee guy hears it too, because he kisses your cheek and keeps you down softly, before flying away. You touch your cheeks, the ghost of his warm lips against them. That was something you definitely would not forget soon.

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