Andy Hurley

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{fall out boy}
{scared trek - Andy Hurley X reader}

"I was hoping that we could just do a Star Trek marathon and laugh at Spocks Sherlockness?" you wiped your mouth with the sleeve of your oversized batman sweatshirt- which was actually Andy's. your lips were in a small frown since he wanted to go to a haunted house. Andy laughed and pulled you in for a big hug. You smiled against his warm black shirt and loosely wrapped your arms around his waist.

"I know, but it's Halloween!" He pulled you away, hands on your shoulders. "We should do something spooky!" he wiggled his eyebrows making your lips curve up in a small smile. you stood on your toes to kiss the tip of his nose. his grin grew wider.

"Ill take that as a yes? why dont you want to go anyways (y/n/n)?" he asks shyly, seating you on his lap. your hand curls into his hair as you snuggle your head into the crook of his neck.

"im scared?" you say uncertainly.

he pulled you away, laughing softly as he looked into your (e/c) eyes.

"theres no way my badass boy/girlfriend is scared of a haunted freaking house." he chuckled, playing with the hair framing your face.

"ok fine" you admitted with a sigh "its because everytime i go in a haunted house, we come out with a statement to sue"

"what?" andy's eyebrow peaked up in interest.

"i get surprised. when i get surprised, i do a flying jump kick. remember what happened to Patricky when he tried to prank me" you smiled at the memory. andy pulled you to his chest, his laugh rumbling through your body.

"well then, badass, we are DEFINATELY going. plus, NO ONE is going to win a legal fight against fall out boy." he says, smiling like an idiot.

"fine. were going." you give in, his smile infectiously spreading into your own lipstick free lips. you ran into your room after jumping off Andys lap and smiled as you looked in the mirror. you knew he hates it when you wore makeup so you to washed your face and tied up your hair [a/n - if you can] into a quick ponytail. You grab your favorite cat socks and pull them on as you run to the front door.

"What's got you so smiley?" Andy asks getting up.

"I get to go to a haunted house to accidentally kick some ass with my best friend who is also my very loving boyfriend, who thinks he can win a legal lawsuit of they end up suing us. why wouldn't I be smiley?" You laughed, lacing the black converse up and dusting off your black skinny jeans while adjusting the dark purpleish black sweatshirt.

"You know I love you my little emo" he muttered. you smiled as you kissed his chest as you pulled him out the door. you hopped in the car and put the keys in ignition as you and Andy drove to 1428 Elm Street. (all my horror stans go woop woop)


you came out of the haunted house looking triumphant and Andy looking terrified.

"That was horrible" he whispered as he clinger onto your shoulders.

"It wasn't that bad! And I didn't hit anyone!" You laugh in astonishment as Andy just shivers.

"Aww is my little child cold" you ask. he nods and you take of your jacket, placing it on his shoulders.

"Hey this isn't some chick flick, and I'm supposed to be placing the jacket on you." He muttered, leaning into you as you got into the drivers side of the car.

"Come on Ands let's go." You laughed, expecting a rant any second on how bad and I scary the house was

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