sherlock homes

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{stop - sherlock holmes x reader}

you walked into the room. sherlocks eyes widened, one eyebrow arching.

"you're ok, (y/n)?"

you look at him, your (e/c) eyes meeting with his own piercing blue ones for a quick second when you nodded. his lips curved up in a small sad smile as his eyes scanned you.

"no, you're not. your teeth and fists are clenched tightly . See? your knuckles are white from the pressure. your hai-"


"-r is in a slightly disheveled manner as if you've just ran your fingers through them, you're lip have been chewed down, and your mouth is slightly dry which means you've just been in a fight. The tip of yo-"

"sherlock i mean it. stop."

Watson looks up and sees you nodding sadly. "sherlock, mate, stop she-"

"as i was saying the tip of your nose is red and you're sniffling, as well as your cheeks being slightly brighter than the rest of your face in the light. you've been crying. and so id like to assume from your rabi-"

"sherlock goddamit just-"

"d eyes and your clenched teeth that you have been in a fight with someone close to you, or they have said something to you that made you feel as such, and so"


his eyes look down, and his lips move back to their original straight line as his face falls ever so slightly.

"you are absolutely not ok. (y/f/n)."

you storm out of the flat throwing something at Sherlock on your way out. the door slams obnoxiously behind you, as your footsteps down the stairs echo through the flat. the door leading outside also slams shut. sherlock turns to john.

"well that was a-" sherlocks amused voice is cut off by john glaring at him.

"you uncomprhendable prick." he mutters, and walks out into his own room inside the flat.

sherlock shrugs and looks down at what he holds in his hands. it was a crumpled note, signed by (y/m/n).

dear (y/n),

as i write this on my death bed, there are a few things i would like to acknowledge to you. your brother, (y/b/n) is getting the money. your sister (y/s/n) is getting the 4 houses. the other 2, the one in LA and the one in Manchester are going to your father. although you already knew that, it was disclosed in my will. ill have (y/b/n) hand this to you. anyways, since you are getting this when i am deceased, i am going too explain to you a few things without you talking to me about this.

first of all, you are a complete and utter disappointment to your family, and personally to me. you associate yourself with everything that brings dishonor to the (y/l/n) family name. you are a coward, and a despicable whore. i want you out, which is why before i passed i will have signed legal papers to officially disown you. you're name is no longer (y/f/n). you will no longer bring shame to this family.

a second matter id like to discuss is your relationships. i would've hoped by now you, like your sister (y/s/n), had gotten married off to a nice, rich, man. if i wouldn't have been dying i would've set up one myself. i hope you know that this is just one of many things you do to put shame to us all. your brother has agreed with me and your father for the disownership, but your sister, for some deranged reason, still pities you. i want your belongings out of my house. also, i want you to stop hanging out and defending with that 'sherlock'. he is a narcistsic prick and i never liked him from the beginning, he is going to give this family a worser name then you already have.

for once in my life, i am happy, because i am going to a place where ill never see you again.

-(y/m/n), from beyond the grave.

tears pricked sherlocks eyes as they quickly scanned over the note. how could a mother hate their child so much? it didn't annoy him as much at what he had been called, but he was shocked that you had defended him. it dawns on him that he may have just added onto the stress that this letter had already dropped on you. he got up quickly, wiping his eyes and running up to Johns room. He swung the door open, to a John reading the news.

"John! get your coat now, we're going to (y/n). No time to explain, just rush out front."


Sherlock knocked down the door, running in and yelling your name.

"Y/N!!! Y/N!!!!"

He tried opening the door to your bathroom, and realizing it was locked, his heart stopped. He tried desperately to kick it open, and on his fourth kick, and came crashing down with a gunshot like sound.

He released a sigh of relief which quickly turned to terror as he realized you were completely submerged underwater. John came running in with tears as he pulled you out of the water.

"SHERLOCK! IM GOING TO NEED YOUR HELP HERE!" he yells, taking off your sweatshirt so he could could start CPR. Sherlocks breath hitches at the sight of your bare chest, although you were wearing a bra. He nervously pressed your hands to your chest and starts to push down.

"Sherlock? Can you-" John was interrupted by water spurting out of your lips, as you gasped for air.

you started to sob ugly tears and hold onto Sherlocks arm as he rests your head gently into his lap. he softly shushes you and you sniff.

"she was there sherl! and she- she-" you couldn't finish your sentence. he let you cry into his shirt.

"(y/n) its ok, i love you, its ok" you hadn't processed the i love you yet, but you just sobbed louder. sherlock carried you to the bed and began to dry you as you cried continuosly. he slipped a shirt over you, and pulled the blanket over you. he kissed your forehead as you drifted off to sleep. he went home, and started to yell at himself.

how could he have been so stupid?

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