The Purple Man

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{interesting - Kevin Thompson/purple man X reader}

Thoughts ran through his head. It was impossible. No one- other than Jessica of course- could go against his... 'abilities', nonetheless used it against him. She had his abilities! The thought of that! It was a bloody mess, the whole lot of it. There was no way that anyone could do something like that! She had just dismissed the whole thing and then told him to 'laugh it away and remember it tomorrow', and he did, he just laughed it all out and woke up at 12 in the night, all the memories hitting him like a sledgehammer.

Forget Jessica Jones and her goddamn superstrength, he needed to find out more about her, and now.

And so he did. He could barely find her at first. She was nowhere. Just a few glimpses of her face in random places that had no relation to each other. But then he started noticing that she was everywhere. Metaphorically, of course- she had eyes and ears everywhere. All have no correspondence to each other. And that scared him. How much did she know about him? Who was she as a person? Her weaknesses? Her history- the past, the tortured childhood that all 'gifted' people had, how she got her 'gifts'? All of it. He wanted to know her, inside out, and maybe even use her as a distraction from the unloving shithole that was the situation with Jessica.

He was listening in on some conversations, trying to tie up all the loose ends that he's made with his mind control, when he heard something specific. So far, he still hadn't found her name yet, who she worked for, her age, or even where she lived, which should've been pretty easy. But all could get was a few flashes of her face. It intrigued him, it really did, but until his spies could get any information, he had to push her to the back of his twisted mind.


He walked in the park, far away from Jessica, far away from anything. He just needed to think. It was impossible to do so, when almost everyone everywhere could be looking fro you. Is this what Jessica felt after she found the photos? He hated it.

"EVERYONE STOP LOOKING AT ME!" He yelled in frustration. Everyone the park but 3 people turned away, but then turned away like the rest of the crowd. It was impossible. Could your hold over them be stronger than his?

He felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned suddenly, and saw you.

"Kevin Thompson, we finally meet again." You smiled, and brought out a needle.

"Wha-What is that?"

"Surgical Anesthesia"

"What? N-" his head lolled over to the side as the needle stuck right into his arm.

You lifted his body up, and placed him on your shoulder. You carried him out of the park, 'suggesting' to people that they should ignore it and pretend it never happened.


should this be a mini-fic? - M

btw (this be anushka) i love kilgrave so much its crazy i mean he loves jessica in his own twisted way but he's such a bean he jut wants jessica to love him back I'm just like i can love you my lil purpleh bean.

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