Draco Malfoy + Ron Weasley Pt. 1

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{Harry Potter}
{mine - Draco Malfoy X reader X Ron Wesley}


The small child that was you looked up at the strange woman clad in black leather, sneering down at you. She had hair as white as snow, and lips as red as blood. (Imagine Dark Emma)

"Come along now, little (y/n)" she said, guiding you through the door.

The sight before you was horrendous. Papers scattered amongst the splintered broken wood of past tables and cabinets. Things and do-hickies were on the floor, porcelain vases shattered, light bulbs smashed. A lone light flickered, and you gasped as you walked in to what would have been your parents room.

Your parents, rope around their fragile neck, hanging from the precariously positioned ceiling fan. Blood smeared the walls, and many pictures broken. You felt yourself sobbing. The strange woman started to cackle evilly. She whispered seeds of resent and hatred into your ears and then disappeared. This was your fault. All your fault. Their death. You. You were a mistake.

You woke up, sweat pouring down your face. You looked to the side, and smiled at the rows of sleeping children. Some snored, and some sniffled. You decided to grab some fresh air, because you couldn't sleep.

The white haired woman.

Haunting your nightmares, residing in your daydreams

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Haunting your nightmares, residing in your daydreams. You hoped to get out of the orphanage, to escape and find your her. The only thing of your family that you had was a small necklace with your name engraved and a weird word you never understood. Pigmoles. Or was it Hogwarts? You could never remember. You checked again, feeling safety in the smooth gold chain. Hogwarts.

"Hogwarts." you whispered, and a warm feeling spread your body. Something about that word... felt right. You never fit in here. Weird things would happen when you were mad. Then you felt an unnatural breeze hit your back. You turned to see a big man standing there.

"(Y/n)?" He gruffed.

"Shhhh! Who are you?" You asked, somehow feeling safe with this stranger.

"Rubius Hagrid. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm here to take you, (y/n), to Hogwarts." He said.

"Hogwarts?" You repeated.

"Ah yes, I know, you must be extraordinary excited to go to such a great and er... prestigious! Ah yes! Prestigious! Wizarding school." He smiled.

"W-Wizarding? Hogwarts? Sch- School?" You stuttered, confused. His smile was replaced with a frown.

"Do I have to explain this to erry youngin nowadays? First Harry Potter, and now you." He muttered under his breath. That name reminded you of something... then it struck you. That adorable boy you saw at the zoo earlier. He looked nothing like his parents, and he looked starved half to death. You heard his parents call his full name out. You smiled at his awkwardness in remembrance.

"Harry Potter?" You questioned,

"Ah, you know that young man?" He asked, reasoning one think eyebrow.

"Kinda- I saw him." You admitted. He nodded knowingly.

"Ok, (y/n), you. Are. A. Witch. WITCH. Magic. Poof! Kankakee! Bibidy Bobbity Boo!" He exclaimed. Everything came to you. The weird things happening, the people vanishing, things moving.

"So?" You asked, "How are we gonna get there?"

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