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{sorcery not witchcraft - Merlin X reader}
Arthur POV

Who was this girl? She had stormed into the castle, demanding where Merlin was. She was able to move past our guards, and come into the throne room. She was in a hooded cloak, underneath a knights armor. I could only trll her apart from a man because of her... breasts, She had a empty holsdter and an empty quiver, with a bow slung around her back, Her hood fell back as she called out my name.

"Arthur Pendragon, Where is Merlin?" she asked, her cold eyes staring into mine.

I could not deny that she was beautiful. Her (y/h/l) (y/h/c) fit her face and brought out the (y/e/c( in her eyes. I looked at her with utmost awe, as she had something you wouldnt find in a regular maiden. She had a man's confidence. One of my knights put their hand on her breasts, I felt him slightly blush underneath. She stopped. I peered at her face, which seemed to be contempalating what to do. Syddenly, she elbowed my knight in the stomach, and kneed him in the groin. As he bent over, she grabbed the sword from his holster, and rushed towards me, the sword mere centimeters aeway from my neck. My breathing became heavy.

At that moment, Merlin decided to step out of the shadows.

Merlin POV

"(y/n)" I called, seeing her turn. A look of relief washed over her face as she ran towards me. An arrow whizzed at her, and before it hit her, it stopped in midair. I saw her hand up, then realized what had just occured.

The girl representing my past. The girl who knew all my secrets except for one. The girl who I had fallen for and never really gotten over.

This girl was a witch. And she had come back for me.

She rushed towards me, letting the arrow clatter to the marble floor, and embraced me. I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her closer.

"I know you know Merlin" she whispered into my ears. "And I know too" my eyes widened but I slowly realized she wouldn't tell Arthur.

"Ive missed you" I muttered into her hair.

"I know." she said back. I looked at Arthur, a mask of nothing over his face. But beneath it I saw... jealousy? I smirked and watched his face grow redder.

She kissed my cheek lightly and slipped something into my pocket, discreetly.

Her hand twirled in the air, and in a burst of smoke, she was gone. I smirked yet again at Arthur's baffled face.

"Merlin." Arthur spoke. I stepped forward.

"Who was that?" he inquired.

"That was (y/n)." I replied softly, my eyes tearing up at the thought of our time spent together.

"Witchcraft that is! She's a witch!" he exclaimed, obviously confused. The girl he had taken a small fancy (as to appearances since she was quite beautiful) to turned out to be the one thing he absoultely opposed.

"Sorcery, not witchcraft." A voice whispered in his ears, and he jumped, making me snort loudly.

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