Draco Malfoy + Ron Weasley Pt.3

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{Harry Potter}
{mine - Draco Malfoy X reader X Ron Wesley}

It was the sorting ceremony. You waited. Ron had explained to you everything, and you and Harry listened intently. You stood with Harry, and put your head on Rons shoulder.

"Ron Weasley!" They called. Ron ran up and had the hat placed on his had.

"Another Weasley?" The hat sneered. "I know where to put you- GRYFFINDOR!" Ron smiled widely and sat down at the red and gold table. Hermione and Harry got into Gruffindor also- and you were last.

"Y/n". You slowly walked up the small set of stairs. You sat down cautiously.

"hmmm... Courageous, smart, cunning, and kind? Where shall I put you... Hmmm." The sorting hat really seemed to not have any idea where to put you.

"I know..." Everyone leaned in in anticipation,

"I choose... i-I don't know!" The sorting hat exclaimed. Everyone gasped and looked at the headmaster than back at you then at the headmaster than back at you etc. Even the headmaster seemed surprised to a certain extent. Then he brushed it off.

"About this... mistake... We will have (y/n) CHOOSE her house!" The headmaster exclaimed. You looked around. You contemplated going to GRYFFINDOR- the red and gold one. Your eyes flickered back and forth between Slytherin as well, and every time hey did, you saw a ghost of a smile on one boys face in their table. Draco Malfoy you thought. Ghostly white hair and a cold but could be handsome face.

"Um..." you looked over to Griffyndor and smiled.

"GRYFFINDOR!" You roared, and heard blood and cheering combined into one. You saw a disappointed face but brushed it off, and ran into Harry's arm. You peeked at Ron who seemed to be furiously glaring at Harry, who shrugged in response.

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