Dean Winchester Pt.2

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{movie night pt. 2- Dean Winchester X reader}

You looked at yourself in the mirror. Eh. You didn't want to change now, you were to lazy. You looked like a Fangirl. Grabbing your phone and black earphones, you ran out of the house. You texted Dean your adress, and waited on the curb. You looked to the side to see a guy on a motorcycle drive up (let's pretend I mean how hot would Dean look on a motorcycle)

The rider hopped off his bike and slipped off the helmet. There stood Dean, clad in leather
and acid wash jeans. He smiled as you descended down to your driveway. Dean brought out his hand. You took it and he led you to the bike. You pointed to yours. He grinned as you grabbed your black helmet and jumped in his.

You wrapped your arms around his waist as you two rode to the movies. He stepped off the bike and then helped you.

You fake curtsied, "Thank you kind sir"

"Anything for you" he smirked "Milady." You smiled and walked into the theaters.

"How about Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies?" you asked.

"Sure." he nodded.

*at the movie*

His grip around your shoulders tightened at the sudden beheading of a side character. As red seeped into the screen, you heard a soft whimpering.

"You scared?" You smirked. Suddenly, Dean stood up straight and brushed himself off.

"Whaaaaaaaat? Nooooo..." he said. And you two broke out in laughter.

*at the end*

As you two walked out of the theater, people stared at yiu both, as you guys were in a heated argument.

"The movie was complete CRAP! No one important died, it was all bleh. They just got married and killed some zombies on the side." You screamed.

Deans face turned red.

"At least they had a happy ending! IT WAS AWESOME! It was gory and cool and amazing AND romantic and... and-" he drifted, breathing hard.

"All they did was kiss. Bleh" you spit.

"So you don't like kissing?" You slowly shook your head.

"unless they're ga-" he stared you down and you shut up.

"So you won't like this?" He smirked. Before you could ask what, he slammed his lips against yours. He smirked against the kiss and brought your waist to his, before you even had time to react.

You melted into the kiss, eventually, and stood there, amongst the crowd of a billion people, heavily making out. You hear a snap of a photo and pull back from the kiss. You turn around, to see a squealing 13 year old girl.

"You two are GOALS!" She squeals loudly, making you step backwards and fall into Deans arms.

"How long have you, like, been dating?" She asks, phone still out.

"Uh- well - we" you started.

"About 2 years." Dean said, wrapping his hands around your waist and pulling him closer to you. "Shhh" he whispered in your ears.

"Aaaaw! Thanks so much! You two are like totes ADORBS!" She squealed, and ran happily away.

You turn around and slap him. He grabs his red cheeks.

"A) What was that, B) WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" You screamed.

"Uh-well-I guess-" he sighed "I'm sorry I just needed to you were standing there and you looked so cute and I just wanted to kiss you and I know I and I just wanted to, you know,? I'm sorry I guess I ju-" he was cutoff by you kissing him. Short and sweet.

"Shut up you man-whore" you whispered into his chest as you hugged him. He smiled, and drove you back to your house.

"Another kiss?" He asked hopefully, tilting his head every so slightly.

"Not today young man. " you laughed as he pouted, but frowned as he started to smirk.

"Does that mean that I should expect more next time?" He asked, grinning.

"Will there be a next time Winchester?" You said, leaning against the doorframe.

"Your choice..." He says, then rides away. You smile as you think about your date. Suddenly the door opens and you tumble inside.

"WHO ARE YOU WHY ARE YOU HERE WHA- oh it's you" your 15 year old brother says, face falling. His baseball bat falls to his side as he helps you up.

"Thanks Mikey." You say.

"Who was that?" He asks.

"Just another guy..." You say.

"Didn't seem like another guy..." Mikey warned.

"What?" You asked, clearly confused.

"Never mind. He just had that... aura around him. Like something horrible has happened and... it's ok." He got up and trudged up the stairs , leaving you confused and tired.

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