Draco Malfoy + Ron Weasley Pt.4

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{Harry Potter}
{mine - Draco Malfoy X reader X Ron Wesley}

*2nd year*

Draco Malfoy. Then name always on your mind. He had a sweet and almost kind smile on his face everytime his eyes averted to you. You, being oblivious, didn't know his blushing everytime you moved, or all the other signs that he clearly liked you. You just saw a rude boy.

It just happened to be that you were hiding from everyone, that you saw what he did to Harry.

"Hate Potter" he sneered "The boy who lived." A bloodied and bruised Harry backed up into a corner, and shut his eyes waiting for a blow.

"You realize, I can make you hurt. Hurt like hell" he spit. Harry looked up defiantly.

"Do your worst." He said, looking Malfoy straight in the eye.

Malfoy sneered and raised his hand to punch.

"STOP!" You called, jumping out from the shadows. Malfoy looked up, and went red. He knew you were close with Harry.

"It isn't what you think" Malfoy started his face turning red and anger building up in his eyes.

You rushed to Harry and helped him up. He staggered but then transferred his body weight onto you.

"Stay away from us" you spit at Malfoy, tears threatening to spill at his eyes. You walked away, Harry stumbling in your arms, to the infirmary.

After that day, Malfoy had been to scared to do anything. He was afraid you might be there. And he cried himself for that day, for from then onwards you seemed to avoid him.

*Gryffindor wins match*

Ok, you had to admit. You had a bit of a crush if Draco and Ron. Who didn't? I mean, that hair, those eyes, that face. I mean, both of them, they're just so... hot.

And when Ron wins the match, you cheer your loudest. You never realized that Ron was hopelessly in love with you, or that Malfoy was bitter and hard because of you. Nope, you just LIVED.

At the after party, Ron came up to you. He took a deep breath in. At first, you were going to congratulate him. But he slammed his lips against yours, and brought your waist to his. You melted into it. It felt so wrong, but so right. You grabbed his orange hair and tugged a bit when he bit your bottom lip. Your tongues swirled against each other. And he moaned into your mouth. People cheered around you, but you two continued to kiss as you both stalked down a long hallway.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that" Ron gushes, then pulls his waist to yours and hungrily starts to kiss you again. His muscled arms wrap around your head as you two kiss heavily. You pull away.

"I'm sorry- I can't." You say, and run your room. Your thoughts went from Draco to Ron to Draco to Ron, never stopping too long at one. You heard knocking and opened the door to find Draco standing there. You Blaise's at your appearance. You must have looked ugly, standing there with sweatpants and a baggy shirt your higher to yourself.

"You don't look ugly" Draco spoke softly, ask if reading your mind. You goaded but then let him in. Your roommate was out celebrating, so you were alone.

"I heard crying and I saw you run here... are you ok?" He asks once you've both settled down.

"Yeah, well peachy." You reply, trying to cover up your flustered face.

Draco leans in until you two are nearly centimeters apart.

"You can tell me anything you know" he shad, and for a moment, your think you catch his gaze flicker to your lips. You brush it off, feeling safe with Malfoy.

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