Barry Allen

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{the flash}
{new - Barry Allen X Reader}

You entered the lobby, still bleeding. You fought off the nagging feeling to just close your eyes and rest, knowing that if you did, you would fall unconscious.

A blonde lady walks up to the desk and then sees you. She rushes.

"Please, I need Help. Get..... Dr. ... Wells..." you manage to say, barely audible. She nods, and leads you into a hospital style room and lays you down on the bed.

This time, you don't fight the drowsiness taking over.

Today, for the first in a year,

You will sleep.

*Time brought to you by a magic eletric guitar played by Pietro and by Anushka*

Barry POV

She looks beautiful sleep, her (y/h/l) (y/h/c) messily scattered. I dont think she knew how beautiful she looked. It didnt matter, the real question was; Why was (y/f/n) (y/l/n) here?

I turned to Dr. Wells. He was shaking his head, and I saw something in his eyes... regret? He kept muttering something about it not supposed to happen, Theey havent told me what was happeneing to her, but they said there was a possibility that she was a metahuman as they had observed strange abnormalities in her blood and body tissues.

"Dr. Wells" no answer, "DR.WELLS" he turned. I mouthed "What is happening?"

He turns his wheelchair and moves towards the door to push it open.

"First of all, who is she?" I ask, pretending not to know.

"(y/f/n) (y/l/n), Barry. But of course, you already know that." he glared at me with accusing eyes, and I put my hands up in defeat.

"Whats happening to her?"

"Her body - it just doesnt get hurt. We took out almost 1/2 a gallon of blood- the body recreated it in a matter of .4 seconds. Its absoultely incredible. But the thing is, she may also have your powers."

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