Spinach Reid

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{criminal minds}

{jealous - spencer reid x reader}

Morgan pokes his elbow at Spencer, who sits at the table nervously. His face is red, hear unkempt, nails bitten down, and his hands keep reaching for his glasses to push them up his nose.

"So who's the new lover pretty boy?" Morgan asks, making an assumption which was not surprisingly correct.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Spencer asks, clearly flustered at the question.

"You heard me! Who is she? Or he... i won't judge" he says, folding his arms over his chest, rising an eyebrow as he spoke.

"no-one, i mean uh nothing"

"haha! so i was right! I'm gonna get my baby girl Garcia t-"

Gideon walks into the room, interrupting Morgan. He has a slight smile on his face as Hotch walks behind him, a similar expression. Morgan, Spencer, and Gideon all look up in astonishment when they realize that the unsmiling Hotch, was, well, smiling.

Morgan's other eyebrow raises as he asks "Whats got you all smiling HOtch?"

"Well, do you want to guess who's back?" Morgan laughed, knowing only one person in the FBI could get him smiling like that.

"No freaking way. (y/n)'s back?" Gideon nodded and Spencer looked confused.

"Who-" before he could finish you walked in. Everyone started laughing for no apparent reason as you looked at Hotch, whose smile only got bigger. he opened his arms and hugged you, which made everyone in the room gasp. and spencer a bit jealous. you turned and spotted Morgan, smiling widely.

"Hows my baby boy?" you asked, walking over and enveloping him in a hug, which involved Derek whispering a few somethings in your ear.

"So have you, Derek, so have you." you say, and twist to spencer, who sits awkwardly next to Morgan.

"So whose this?" you said, smirking and motioning to Spencer. he waves awkwardly and then Derek bursts out laughing.

"SO THATS WHO- oh my god!" Derek screams out between laughs.

"What?" you ask confused. Derek just smirked and sat back, folding his arms.

"(Y/n), this is Doctor Spencer Reid, Reid, this is (y/f/n). (y/l/n) used to be in the BAU, she transferred voluntarily to the SVU. She's here because of the series of rape/murders happening in Columbus, Ohio, and wanted to personally meet us. " Hotch explains, huggin you once more.


Reid folded his arms, copying Garcias pose as they both looked over the desks.

"I don't like this." Garcia spoke, her eyes narrowing at you.

"Me neither." Reid replied unhappily, narrowing his own eyes at Morgan.

"It's disgusting."

"Revolting." Reid agrees.

"She thinks she can get on MY man."

"He thinks that they can do whatever they want."

"We have to stop this." Garcia says, pushing her punk glasses up with a huff.

"I agree."


"DEREK MORGAN!" Garcia calls out, and Morgan looks up astonished. Garcia never calls Morgan by his first name.

"Uh- what?" he says, walking towards Garcia.

"We need to talk. Privately. Now." She says, her face red. Everyone in the office looks surprised and starts to laugh and the sight of Garcia pulling Morgan to her room by his ear. You walk up to Reid, who awkwardly stands there and scratches his neck.

"um so hi"


and that's how the most iconic couple in the BAU met. Spencer being a petty little fucker.

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