Fred & George Weasley

512 13 2

{Harry potter}

You carried the bundle of books to your desk, and dropped it with a sigh. You heard a knock at your door, and there stood the Weasley twins.

"Hey George" you nodded to the one on the right. "Hey Fred" you nodded to the one on the left.

"Im Geaorge!" "And Im Fred!" you shook your head and sat down tired of their antics.

"No, you're not, how can your mother never realize the differences between you too?" you say. The boys know you're the only one who can tell them apart, having a pair of twin brothers yourself. They were a year older than you, but you always acted the maturest.

"Hey, wanna go prank the First years?" You shake your head and flop on the bed. You haven't told them that your boyfriend, Cedric Diggory, broke up with you. You didn't understand why until you saw him with another girl, a second year as yourself.

"(y/n)... you never say no to a prank. What happened?" George asks, a face of pure concern.

"No tell me, you can't trust that stupid... THING" Fred exclaims, and the two break out in an argument.

"Can you two just... SHUT UP!" you yell, making them both fall silent. You pull the blankets over your head.

"(Y/N)!! WHAT HAPPENED!" they both yell.

"Nothing... things..." you sigh. "Cedric broke up with me." you say after a while.

"WHAT?" they both exclaim. You couldn't see them, but they were both giddy.

"WHen? How? Are over him?" The twins bombard you with questions.

"Come to my room! Ill help yo get over him-"




"YOU DONT TOUCH HER!" And they fight more. You weren't sure what was happening, so you yell at them to get out. When they sludge out of the room, you can't help but smile at their adorable quarrels.

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