Chapter 1✔

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The first part of the trailer is now up :)


(Rosalyn's POV )

"Mom, dad! I'm back !"  Closing the back door shut, my voice echoed through the house. For the sixth time in a row,  I forgot to take my keys with me. I'm glad we feel safe enough in this neighborhood to leave the back door always open for desperate situations like this one.

I pulled the refrigerator's door impatiently and panting. I grabbed a water bottle and emptied it all in seconds. Too much for a morning run.

I heard noises I didn't care much about. Then one particular noise froze the blood in my vines.


That was the first gunshot. I was well aware that dad possessed few guns. He was a businessman and he wanted to make sure all enemies are wise enough to stay away. 
But he never actually fired. Not at home.



By the next gunshot, my heart began to thrum harder against my ribs. And my legs started moving hurriedly on their own.

The all so familiar hallway appeared in front me once I was out of the kitchen

I shouted as I whirled around trying to find anyone. I hurried up the stairs and towards my parents' room.



The sound came not far from here. Again I turned around. It came from downstairs.

The office!

My legs instantly going into action,  I was down the staircase again.
The first thing my eyes caught was the dark figure on his motorbike, all in black and a weird badge on his uniform. Before I can even blink, the engine roared to life and he was out of our driveway.

I couldn't comprehend what was happening just yet. Until my eyes fell involuntarily on the body laying on the floor.

The air escaped my lungs in realization as I fell on my knees next to her.
" Mom!" I shook her breathless body. She wasn't responding.

" Mom! Mom please." I shook her again and again. I screamed as I eyed in horror her blood stain my hands.

" Dad! Dad!" I screamed calling for him.

"Dad call an ambulance!" I tried but I got no response.

I got up on my shaking feet and made my way as fast as they could carry me towards the office.
" Dad?" I called before entering through the door.

I shook my head frantically as I held in another gasp. My hands shaking as they raced towards my spinning head.
" No." The small whisper escaped my lips before my legs gave up.

I pulled myself up, sobbing and shaking. I dragged my paralyzed body tell I reached the wall and hugged my knees to my chest, trying to block the images. I shook my head again and again.

" No, No! "

Slowly the whispers turned to screams. Head spinning and my heart aching, I slowly started drifting into darkness.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My eyes shot open.

I sat up on my bed, hand over heart, gasping for air.

I focused on my breathing, trying to control my anxiety.  Over five years now and I'm still not over it.
Once I gained my regular breathing again,  I let out a sigh and wiped the sweat from my forehead and the tears away from my cheeks.

Glancing over at the clock on the wall, I shrieked and fell from my comfy bed. I shot up to my legs and hurried towards the bathroom, stumbling and jumping as I tried to untangle my feet from the covers.

Lucky me, I fell on the floor face first. Groaning, I fought with the covers around me.

" Stupid sheets!" I scolded as I finally managed to shove them away.

Fifteen minutes later, I was pulling the front door shut behind me. Once I stepped a foot into the beaming sunlight, my eyes burned and... I heard my stomach growling. Thank God the street is crowded or else the whole neighborhood would have heard that. I made a mental note to get myself a cup of coffee once I arrive since I had no time for breakfast.


Making my way through the main building, I sighed as I caught glimpse of my fellow agents. Some were talking, others making their way to God knows where. A group was wearing the uniform and had all kinds of weapons.

Ah!  A new mission.

Shaking my head,  I found myself wondering again why I am here.

Right. Revenge.

Though I don't seem to be very successful in that particular part.
Don't get me wrong, I do actually kind of like my job. It's just not how I intended my life to turn out.

It's sometimes irritating how things always seem to turn anyway but how I expected it to be. But that doesn't mean that I m planning to give up anytime soon.


I have a promise to fulfill.  I have an assassin to find and kill with every inhuman way anyone could possibly think of.

I probably sound like a psychopath serial killer, but do I care? 
Not even the slightest. I was never one to go for violence, but a lot had changed since that day.

My thoughts were put to a stop once my eyes are greeted by the beautiful pair of dimples that I grew to adore over the years.

"Hazza! " I exclaimed and threw my arms in the air. He did the same and once we were close enough I jumped taking him in a tight embrace.

"Hey there gorgeous. "  he greeted and I could feel his dimpled smile over my shoulder.

"How you've been? " he asked

"Now I'm great after seeing you. When did you come back from your mission? "

"Last night. I missed you. "

" Missed you too. " I smiled at him before kissing his cheek.

It's been almost a month since I last saw him.

In case you were wondering, no, Harry is not my boyfriend. He's my best best best friend. I knew him since I was born. We grew up together until I moved with my parents to LA.

When we were back to New York for college I crossed paths with him again. His parents died in a car accident and his older brother just disappeared until that day we got a phone call that his brother has been killed by some thief.
He's been through a lot and I was always by his side. He has no one other than me and I have no intention of leaving.
After that day I woke up in a hospital bed with Harry sleeping on the chair next to me. Right at that moment, I knew that I also had no one other than him.
He offered me to stay at his place for as long as I want, and I gladly took his offer but not for long though.

After almost a year with him, I discovered that Harry works as an agent for some organization. To say I was shocked was an understatement. How on earth didn't I notice this? He has been traveling a lot and his body became bolder and stronger.
He offered me to join that organization saying it's the best way to achieve my goal. I didn't give it so much thought. He was right after all.

I was trained well and learned many things about hacking and using their weird technology. I have seen this in movies but I never thought that it's real.

" Rosy! " Harry's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"MHmmm? "

"You zoned out. What are you thinking about? " he asked with worry written all over his face.

"Oh no, nothing actually. " I reassured him.
"Agent Watson, " someone called and I turned to see The Director's secretary.

"The Director wishes to see you and your team at the meeting room immediately. "

"I'll be there right away," I said before turning back to Harry.

" Duty calls, I have to go. See you after the meeting. " I said and kissed his cheek once again before walking away.


Welcome to my humble story!
Hope this chapter was a good starter for the story.
I apologize deeply for any typos and if the first chapter was kind of short and boring.
The story will get more thrilling and interesting moving on throughout the events.
Pinky promise! 😉
Thank you Honey bunnies for reading and please don't hesitate to give me feed back.
And don't ever hold your horses, harsh criticism is welcomed as long as it is not too far insulting.

Don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT if you liked the chapter.
Thanks again!
Love Ya 😘

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