Chapter 20

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( Rosalyn's POV )

That stupid human being. He has a remarkable mental disorder .
One moment he's all sweet and the second he's a total asshole!.

We've been arguing the whole day. He finds satisfaction in annoying people and now since I'm the only one here, I have to face the painful reality and deal with him.
I grew to know that it's one of his hobbies and he adors it.
But I'm not going to let him win.

I was sitting on the couch watching TV, when he finally decided to come back from his room. I prepared my self for the next argument with him. I know I can control my anger but I don't think it will last if we stayed like that for ever.

I was laying on the couch and he did the same on the other one. He was staring at the cielling then sighed. I didn't give it so much thought and continued watching the movie.

" I'm starving " he groaned. I didn't say anything.
" I'm staaaaaaarviiiiiiing " he shouted.

I huffed. Here we go again.

" Can you shut up, I'm trying to watch a movie here. "

" I'm telling you that I'm dieing  from starvation and you only care about that stupid movie " he responded

" Do you think I would care if you just dropped dead right now? " I said

That was mean.

I don't know where did that come from. To be honest if he died now I would freak out. I mean, a dead body in front of me was a good reason to be freaked out.

" I'm hurt " he pouted and put his hand on his heart.

I chuckled mentally at the look of him.

" You should be. Now can you shut up pleas."

" Whatever " he rolled his eyes.

Few minutes passed in silence and the movie ended. I was going to turn off the Tv and go do something productive but I was cut off by his voice again.

" Rosalyn? " He called And I didn't answer

" ROSALYN " He raised his voice.

" WHAT? " I hissed loudly.

" Hey don't be so rude, don't use that tune with me "

I inched closer to him, irritated.


He stepped back a bit, wide eyed. Then he gained his posture .

" You're just so easy to piss off " he smirked with a shrug that pissed me even more.

My eyes shot with anger.

"Believe me, you're digging your own grave"

" I don't see how? Do you really think that you can beat me in a fight! " his smirk grew.
Oh, I know exactly how he wants that to end up. Does he really think I would be here if I can't beat him in a matter of seconds. Well ,may be it would take more than seconds to take him down, I shouldn't underestimate him. He's the mighty agent after all.

But, He wants to see what I can do.

If he wants it, then he's getting it.

" Huh, just remember looks are sometimes deceiving. " I smirked.

" Care to show me your skills? "

" With pleasure "

We both stepped forward. He moved the coffee table away giving us some space.
Both of us took the right posture and waited for the other to make the first move.
" Ladies first " he spook

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