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 Oh God ! last chapter :')

*****Listen to Blank page By Sia**** 

 for the most emotional experience pleeeeeeaaaasssse!

I love yall but I regret nothing :')


(Third Person POV)

" Adam?" her surprised tune caught him out of guard and cursed under his breath.

" Adam?!" Jane questioned, confused as ever.

" There's no time for this. Don't waste more time Jane. And whatever happens don't get on that jet." He spoke one last time before running off, not looking back at the two confused female agents.

Anne immediately grew frustrated.
" Did you know about Adam?" she hissed as she turned her burning gaze to Jane.
" Know what?  And who the hell is Adam?  That was my brother who I haven't seen in fifteen  freaking years!"
Anne stood silent, thinking whether to believe her or not.

" We need to go, now." Anne finally spoke and turned around.

" Wait! Have you guys sent anyone to help them out?"

Anne stopped dead in her tracks.

" Who?"

" Robert and Rosalyn? I thought you guys must have known by now!"

Anne's eyes widened.

" From Agent Sanders to anyone in here, Agent Watson and Agent Collins are here. They got caught. I repeat. Agent Watson and agent Collins are compromised." Anne repeated with a shaking voice as she took off running. Jane following right behind her.


Silent was all it was besides Robert's whimpering every now and then. The moment he closed his eyes he fell in deep slumber out of exhaustion. Though, the cement floor was far from comfortable to his broken bones.

She wishes she could do the same. She wishes that she felt safe enough to close her eyes. But that nagging feeling inside her made it impossible. The feeling of the end nearing. The fear that grew with every escaping breath.

But it was okay, she thought.

At least she doesn't have to do it herself. What's a point of holding onto a life she doesn't want to live?
A muffled groan snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked down at the man sleeping on the floor, head resting on her thigh. His chest was falling and rising slowly with every breath, still asleep. But the wheezing that accompanied worried her.

He shifted slightly and groaned again. She kept her gaze on him, having no clue on what to do. But she surrendered to that temptation to run her fingers through his hair. She remembered, from the time they were here from a while back, that it calmed him down. She rubbed his scalp gently. Few minutes later, his eyes cracked open slowly and looked up at her. If he had the power, he would have smiled.

Robert started to get up and she let him break the contact. But when he started to get on his feet she can't help but reach out in preparation. He waved her off and steadied himself, using the wall for support. When he was fully on his feet, he looked down at her. Feeling accomplished.

" I-I'm fine." He reassured once he saw the concern written all over her face.
He walked slowly tell the end of the cell and back. Hissing in pain every now and then, but he made it. He didn't get back down. Instead, he kept standing. Rubbing his sour arms gently.

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now