Chapter 5

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(Robert's POV )

I walked through the door after the strange meeting with my boss.
I'm gladly taking his offer. I'll just stay for the rest of the day and then start my vacation tomorrow.

" I see you made it out alive agent Collins. I really hoped that you don't. " I turned to the one who's talking to me. He eyed me from head to toe then continued.

" I guess you are a lucky one but that will change someday. "

I shot him a death glare.

Easy Rob he's just jealous. I calmed myself then smirked.

I can rip his head off right now, but I
decided against it.

" You know agent...... whatever your name is. I would like to go on a mission with my grandmother here, " I said pointing at him.

" But actually my grandmother can get up from her grave right now and still fight batter than you.  "

" Don't embarrass yourself any further man. " I tapped his shoulders, smirked and walked away confidently.

I tried to hold back my laughter as I saw his face. He just stood there speechless. Poor man. No one messes with me.

I went to finish my report about the mission I just came from. I'm still suspicious about the sudden decision of the boss. Things happen for a reason. And I know that there is another reason behind these days off.

Why do you have to be suspicious about every single thing around you Robert?
It's in your favor anyway. Maybe he can see that your exhausted, and need some rest, and he knows that you're never gonna ask for rest so he decided to reward you for your hard work!

I thought again.

I think I have to leave it for now. It's driving me crazy.

I went home later after I finished the report. I haven't been here since.......
Well, since the mission before the one I just came from. Both took quite a long time. So I really can't remember.

I went to finally have a decent, hot, relaxing shower. After that, I grabbed a bottle of red wine and poured a glass before downing it all in one shot.
Satisfied by the alcohol running through my vines, I decided to have a ride around the town. I grabbed my keys and headed out of the house. Closed the door behind me and got into the car that I haven't driven in ages.
I started the engine and out of the driveway.

After hours of driving, I passed by a very familiar driveway. In front of me a house I will never forget. The house of my nightmares. It looked like a haunted house. No sign of a living creature.
I kept staring at the house for a good ten minutes before I saw a figure far away. So I decided to drive away before I get noticed.
This place will keep hunting me, and I have nothing to do to stop it.
I sighed and decided to go back home and have some sleep.


(Rosalyn's POV )

The mission day was soon approaching.
Everything is ready. I keep checking on everything again and again. You can't blame me though. I was nervous as hell.

We have a meeting with the director tomorrow before we go, to check that everything and everyone is okay and ready. I have a slight change in plans though, but I'm not telling them especially Harry. After that nightmare, I'm keeping eye on him. I'm not letting him go in there without me. I have to make sure that he's safe. And I can't do that while hacking an organization's system. So I talked to Anne and decided to switch roles. I hope that Harry won't be mad at me.

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