Chapter 2 ✔

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Tom cruise as the director.


(Rosalyn's POV )

I knocked the meeting room's door before entering.

"Good morning agent Watson. "

"Good morning sir, you wanted to see me ."

"Yes, sit down please." he offered

" John! Call the rest of agent Watson's team." He ordered his secretary.

"I already did sir. " John replied politely, and just as he finished his sentence I saw my team, one by one, entering the meeting room.

Sarah, Anne, Adam, Andrew and then lastly followed by one I never expected.

Harry walked through the door with a confused expression on his face. And once we made eye contact, my face held a similar expression.

 He wasn't even a member of my team?!

Not like we didn't want to. The director never agreed. We never even went on a mission together. Which was still a mystery to me, considering that Harry was the one who brought me here and trained me. Whenever I asked the director about it, he would say that he didn't want his full force in one mission. Which honestly convinced me every time.

Why the sudden change?

During the four years I've been working here, no mission was important enough.  No matter how dangerous it was.

Which means, if the director is gathering us for a new mission, it is like no other.

"Hey again. " Harry whispered while taking a seat next to me.

" Hey, do you have any idea about what's going on? " I asked leaning closer.

" No, I was surprised when John called for me along with your team. " he replied and I shrugged, turning my attention back to the director as he started talking.

"Good morning everyone. I gathered you today to discuss a new mission. It's a first step to the most important mission in The organization's history. I choose you because obviously you are the best agents we have and I know you won't let me down."
There was a hint of something in his voice. Something unreadable and unusual. Though, he said the last sentence in a stern tone. As if warning us, if we failed in this, he might pull off our heads and decorate his office with them.

We stared at each other then back to him.

"Now, of course, you all know Black."
Our eyes winded... off course we know it. The master of terror. They can do anything and everything.

And when I say everything I mean it. Think about any illegal activity. Everything that has crossed your mind, they had already done.

They were responsible for almost All terrorist activities, moreover, they kidnapped, murdered some politicians, they do everything from destroying countries to stealing an old woman's bag. No one was able to stop them. We tried several times but every time it turned to be an epic fail and we lost some of our best agents so we considered it a closed case.
I've talked with the director before about it. We were about to start a mission to try once again to stop them when the director stopped it before it even starts. Back then I argued with him and almost got fired.

I raised my hand to talk.

"Excuse me sir, but we discussed this before. I thought you said we will not continue this case because we lost a lot of our agents. AND you almost fired me because I didn't agree. " I said confused yet angry.

The director shot me a death glare.
" Agent Watson, if you may let me finish my sentence I would be thankful, " he said sarcastically.

" Your upcoming mission has nothing to do with Black. At least for now. There is another organization that may be our next aim. But the thing is, they are very powerful for a small organization. They got the best and well-trained agent ever. I want to force them to give him to us. We need him to take Black down."

"Why don't we just ask them to help us. You said they are very powerful they can be a great help. " Harry suggested.

"There is no time for negotiations agent Styles. Besides they are Black 's best ally. "

" Your mission is to hack their system and copy as many information as you can. Especially about the famous agent, " he added.

"Easy. " we all said in unison.

"Oh believe me it's not easy at all. Their system is impossible to hack using any computer or device. You have to destroy their system completely before being able to take any information. And destroying it is not an easy job."

" All information you need has been transferred to your computers. And I will leave the plan to Agent Watson and Agent Styles. They for sure know exactly what to do, but inform me of the plan first. You are all excused to leave now but I want to know the plan before tomorrow evening. Do you understand? "

" Yes sir. " we all said before heading out of the meeting room.

I waited for the others to go out then went again to talk to the director privately.

" Director. " I called for him.

" I know exactly what are you going to say, " he said not facing me.

"Believe me if the big mission succeeded, I promise to get him for you. He will be all yours to do whatever you want to do with him, " he said now facing me.

A smile spread across my face. Wait. Is he only saying that to encourage me?

But he promised, and the director never broke a promise.

" I will sir. " I said.

I really can't fail. Not this mission. Maybe after this mission, if I was able to get him and take my revenge, I will quit. Turn back to my normal life, far far away from here.

Later that day, I met Harry and my team to set the plane. I think it's pretty good. There is nothing that can go wrong, at least I think so. Harry made the process ten times fun. We kept joking around and messing with the others. But the plan was set on time. We make a great team, I know.

Speaking of Harry I can't find him anywhere. Huh, he must have gone home. I no longer live with him. I had to move out. I can't let him do everything for me. I like to be independent, but oh I miss those days a lot though.

I went home late that night day after discussing the plan with the director. Even if this mission didn't go well, the information I will get from it will be a whole new phase in my plan on taking my revenge. I was able to hack some small organizations but I never found something useful. This organization we don't know its name yet, no wonder why I didn't hear about it before. My new plan has to work. I don't know what will happen if it didn't.

(Harry's POV )

After that meeting for my mission with Rosalyn, I decided to head back home. I didn't get that much rest for the past month. Sometimes I wonder why I'm still here in this organization. Well, technically because I dropped out of college for it and basically I have the qualifications of a McDonald's delivery guy.
I can't really get another job. I can't picture myself in any other one. I love it. But it gets exhaustive sometimes.

I  finally fell on my comfy bed.
" I missed you, my love. " I said giving my bed a bear hug. Yeah, I love my bed so much.

But there is someone I love more. It hurts that she never felt the same. Rosy and I seem to have a great yet weird relationship we are not boyfriend girlfriend relationship or best friends usual relationship. It is something more complicated.
We are more than best best friends. We are the best best friends in this whole universe.

Sometimes I feel like the ultimate resident of the friend zone. I've been here for years.

I don't like it that way. Who does? But as long as it makes her happy and comfortable, I don't care. If she's happy I'm too.

Plus, we're going on a mission together finally. Which was fun today for a starter.

I just wish this mission goes as planned.

If you are wondering how on earth she leads a team and I don't even if I worked there way longer than she did. Well, I don't doubt her abilities nor mine. She impressed the whole organization from the first mission she went to. Well of course she did. I was the one who trained her after all. The thing is I'm kind of a special agent. I work alone most of the time. I got to have a team only if it was an important mission.
Obviously like this one. And I'm glad she's involved. I know nothing can harm her especially when I'm by her side.

Hi there! ✋

I know you're wondering...
" Where the hell is Robert? It's his fanfic, right? "

Don't worry honey bunnies he's gonna make an appearance next chapter. Those two chapters were necessary for setting the background of the story :)

Hope you're enjoying the story so far.  The fun hasn't started yet!

Don't forget to ★ if you liked it and 💭 your thoughts.

Love Y'all ❤

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