Chapter 23

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( Robert's POV )

Almost four days had passed ever since that strange day. Rosalyn and I barely said a word to each other. It was just awkwardness. Few stolen glances at her by me in all honesty. It happen unconsciously.

I have to admit that . . . . I can't even admit that to my self. That is just so overwhelming.

Ugh . . . Yes , I admit that deep down something has changed.

My barriers are getting weaker .

No. . .

I'm never going to let that happen. I've been struggling to reach that stage for literally a decade. Nothing and I mean it, can ever take them down.

I'm not going to let myself fall again. Those stupid useless things called feelings, was the cause of my misery and I don't have any intention in going back there again.
I'm going to fight them.

It's not only me who's going to be hurt. She will too. I did that before. I can't do that again. She doesn't deserve that. She doesn't deserve someone like me. Just like how she didn't deserve what I did to her. Guilt for everything I caused is still there.

Although I don't apologize . . . I . . I wish I get the opportunity to see her one last time. To tell her how . . . sorry . . . I am. To let her get all that rage and hatred on me.

If this mission didn't go as planned or something went wrong and for some reason I wouldn't be here any more. All I want to hear is her words of forgiveness before I no longer exist.

But it's just a wish. I will never see her again. I will never hear those words. I don't deserve them anyway.

A long sigh escaped my lungs. I got up from my bed and went to prepare for the day. The one we were patiently waiting for.

Harry did his job and now it's my turn with their help of course.

After I finished my routine, I went downstairs to have my coffee.

She was standing on front of the coffee machine preparing hers. Strangely enough, Harry was leaning on the counter next her AWAKE . He was really awake at the same time usual humans do. When he noticed me he greeted me and I replied with 'morning ' . She didn't say a word as usual. I wasn't expecting her to. That's better for both of us. It was a wise decision from her.
But whether we want it or not, we indeed are going to talk today. She can't give me the instructions without saying a word right?

My coffee was now ready. I took my cup and headed out of the kitchen without a word, avoiding the awkwardness .
I took a seat in the couch in the living room. I leaned back with a sigh relaxing a bit. No one knows how this day will end.


( Rosalyn's POV )

" Rose you need to settle things with him, this mission and our lives are more important than those stupid arguments you have with him. "

Harry was trying to convince me to talk to Robert for the sake of the mission.
I knew that was going to happen.
But I didn't have any intention in 'settling' things. I was just going to give him the instructions and that's all. Not a word that is not relevant to work. That's it.

" Harry I don't have to talk to him aside from work. You probably don't want to wetness one of my episodes again, do you? "

" Well, certainly no , but you know what's going to happen today is uncertain. This whole thing might end before it even starts. How we're supposed to be a taem when we can't tolerate each others ? "

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