Chapter 10

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( Third person POV )

" Sir, we can't .... Uhm ..." he hesitated.

" What is it? " the boss said calmly.

Earlier that day their organization was attacked. A fake attack though. Or they think so. No one knows what happened.
It all started so suddenly and died down in a matter of seconds.

" Nothing is working, computers, cameras, any device, nothing, it's all blacked out. The system did make the back up but it's no where to be found .... we found Josh unconscious. "

The boss sighed and went out of his office.

Just play it cool, go along with it, pull the act and it's going to go as planned.

(Rosalyn 's POV )

 I'm trying my best to take it all in, and not let the rage take over me.

Harry and I went somewhere more private earlier.

" Let me see if I got this right. My father was the one who offered you to work here, AND he worked here as well "

He nodded.

" Not just your father, your mother too. They met here actually.
They decided to keep that a secret in order for you to stay safe."

"How did you know all that? " I asked.

" Your father told me when he offered me to work with him. He believed that I can be very helpful. "

" So he can just hire anyone. Were the director even there? "

" The director is your fathers best friend. "

" That's why he accepted me here without hesitation. "

"Well, he knew what you were going through. He wanted you to join. He wants to take revenge too, and he wanted to help you.
I asked you to join when you were ready."

" That's why he treated me like his daughter, ............" I paused for a moment.

" Wait ! so my parents being killed has something to do with them working here?!"

He looked at me in the eyes and then nodded slowly.

"SO YOU KNOW WHY THEY WERE KILLED FROM THE BEGINNING AND YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO TELL ME! " I stood up. Anger taking over me and I can't help it now, that's too much to take in.

" Rose no one knows who killed them but we're sure they had something to do with Black. Can you pleas sit down and let me finish.... there is more. "

I sighed and went back to my seat.

" Your father was like a second director, he went to missions when really needed. "

"And I was like a fool, thinking he was a businessman and he went to business trips. " I laughed coldly.

" Indeed, he was a businessman , it was a cover up you know ......"

" Our organization tried to take Black down several times when your father was there.
When they knew about it they attacked the organization.
Everything was destroyed and they rebuilt it again in La, and you guys moved there .
they were more careful.They covered up really well. Until your father was able to get in with some of our men. He managed to get some info that was able to turn Black into ash .
Your father was a great man. "

He looked down and I felt tears forming in my eyes at the memory of him.

Memories of my childhood in New York with Harry then moving to La then back to New York for college. Then the incident and moving in with Harry and working for the organization..

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now