Chapter 51

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(Third person POV. )

" Your mission is not over yet. "

" Our deal was to get The master to trust us. I guess this one is accomplished. "

" Our deal was that you get me whatever information I need and she will stay safe. The master is not happy with our progress. As long as your eyes are open, hers will be too. "


Ever since that meeting with the FBI, Harry was never home. They have meetings and training every single day. Rose started to feel lonely and useless. She would wander around the house cleaning or cook something for him. She would be lucky if she found something to watch on TV. And as days passed and the day got closer, their meetings got longer and his absence too.

Today was one those days. Harry left early in the morning and it's way past midnight now and he's not home yet.

She was waiting for him in the living room, watching some reality show to pass time, when she let her tiredness take over and fell asleep. Though, her sleep wasn't at all peaceful. It's been like that ever since the dilemma with Robert. She didn't have a single night of peaceful sleep ever since.

Those were new. New events and images haunted her dreams. Not about her parents nor her past. It was all about him. And to be honest, they put her on edge whenever she sees him because she is instantly reminded of his dark eyes that occupied her nightmares.

Actually, it's surprising how much creative and wild her mind goes, because they were never the same. None of those nightmares was ever repeated. And each one was just as horrifying as the others. Events and ways differed but only one end. Him snatching her heart out of her chest with his bare hands. The last thing she sees every time before closing her eyes or opening them to be literal, was his pitch black eyes throwing daggers at her. And to be honest she can't put the guy she fell in love with in comparison with the monster in her dreams. She deep down still believes in all the words she spoke to him before. She still believes that he is not a monster. At least not anymore. But she would never ever admit she does.

That was exactly what she's going through right now. A new nightmare. She squirmed and turned on the sofa she was sleeping on. She whimpered as she saw his hands choking her. As the knife in his hand dug deeper into her chest, making her cry out in pain.

He heard her cries and whimpering. He was still awake. He knew Harry wasn't there next to her. And she needed someone. Anyone to at least pull her out of that suffering. So he went quickly down the stairs and headed where he heard the voices coming from. He watched as she clutched tightly on the blanket over her body. He knelt down next to her and whispered.

" Rosalyn. "

She didn't hear him so he called a little louder, also with no result. His hand shook her shoulder softly and she started to calm down a little.

" Rosalyn, it's just a bad dream. Open your eyes. "

The images never stopped. Her dream continued to the very last scene. Then she jolted awake. Her chest rose up and down as she couldn't calm her breathing down.

" Hey. Hey. It's okay. It's okay. " He said comfortingly. Her terrified eyes shot instantly and met his.
He, not knowing what as exactly going on with her, reached for her shoulder to calm her down. Her body flinched violently and unwillingly. She moved farther and farther away from him as much as the long sofa offers. She can't deny she was struck by her body's instant reaction to his touch.
She never knew it was, to her, that..... repulsive.

And neither did he.

" D-don't... " she shook her head in an attempt to clear her head from those images.

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