Chapter 24

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( Robert's POV )


Struggling under the stranger's grip.

" Stop fighting it kid, you're coming with us"

" You don't know who my father is. You're all dead. "

He laughed at my face.

" We know exactly who he is, that's why you're coming with us "

Vision is blurry. Passing out as I felt a cloth pressed to my mouth and nose.


A devilish laugh echoed.

" How pathetic, your mighty father is not here to rescue you. It's been what? A month? "

" If you think you can survive and run away from your fate, then you're so wrong. Your father needs to be taught a lesson. One he would learn from that he's not the most powerful human on earth. But there is one thing that can delay your fate for a good while and provide you something to eat ."

He took out a small baggie with white powder in it. My eyes winded in realization.
I shook my head. I'm not doing that.
Hell ,I'm not going to be a drug dealer !

He grabbed a hold of my hair pulling my face closer to him.

" Look kid, you want food then you're working for it. I'm doing that out of mercy and pity twords you. I don't think you appreciate that generosity of me now do you ? "

I stayed silent. The robe around my hands are the only thing preventing me from defending myself.


The door opened instantly revealing mom who looked like she was ready to leave. A big handbag and a suitcase parked next to here. She looked at me with wide red puffy eyes apparently from crying.
She gasped at the sight of me, hands dropping the bag on the ground.
Instantly, I threw myself into her embrace, drowning in its warmth.

" C 'mon Elsie, I told you thousands times that I can't do anything for the sake of his life "
My dad's desperate voice echoed from inside . He then appeared from behind her.

I glared at him. His eyes are wide in disbelief and relief at the same time.

"Oh My God ,Bobby.... you're here. What happened to you.... Did they hurt you much? How did you manage to escape? ....
My baby boy I missed you so much "


" Hey " smiles.

" Hi " she smiled back.

" Robert "

" Jane. Nice to meet you Robert "


" . . . . I. . . I know it's way too early. We barely knew each other for four months , but. . . I am sure. . . I. . . I fell for you Jane
I love you "

A shocked expression then a wide grin on her face.

" Say it again "

" I love you, so f**** g much "

" I love you too "

Our First kiss.


Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now