Chapter 54

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Hello there!

Since I feel like no one actually read the a/n at the end of the chapter, I thought I'd ask this at the beginning because it's kinda important...

First : I had posted something on my profile concerning the end of the story please please please check it out. It's really important!

So I made a teaser for the next couple of chapters. More like a teaser for the end of the story. So would anyone bother to see it?

I wouldn't have asked. I would have posted anyway but like... The trailer got like two views... And that was me by the way 😒😂

So should I bother posting it? Or I should dm it to whoever wants to see it?

Okay I'll stop blabbing now.

Here's the chapter!



( Third person POV )

" The Upper ten floors are finally empty. "

" Good job Erik. Now get down with whoever left with you. I need help here. " Rose talked as she glanced at the crowd of people that was once trapped stream out of the floor and towards the staircase.

" Will do. "


" That's one! " Andrew cheered as he watched one of Black's jets falling into flames.

" You got two other on your six," Robert stated getting him out of his own small party.
He then glanced down at the people running out of the building holding on for their dear lives. Two long rows of agents on both sides of the crowd, trying to maintain them and secure them.

His eyes fell on a speeding van moving towards the crowd and he pulls the steering, taking a fast and sharp turn right.

He started firing at the van until it was out of the way and into flames.

He piloted the jet again back to where the rest are, preparing to engage.

" 038, you got incoming at your eight! " Robert warned.

The Jet 038 instantly jerked away at the right moment before getting hit.

All of a sudden, the sky was speckled with jet lights. Black's Jets kept increasing in number until they outnumbered them.

" Sh*t! " Andrew cursed.

Robert sighed before starting a call to the base.

" Anne. Call the FBI. We need a flight permission. We don't want The US air force up on our asses."

This is going to be a long night. He thought.

" I'll be right on it, " she responded.


Chaos was everywhere. Noises, explosions, terrified screams and groans of pain. Yet, Harry can perfectly hear his racing heartbeat. Barely able to see anything around but the dust.

The Director, along with Harry, his team, and whoever left, were surrounding the building. They prevented every attempt from Black's men to break in. But they weren't giving up. They weren't stopping. They kept coming, firing and growing in number, not hesitating to shoot whoever gets in the way. As if they've been waiting for this day to come. As if their lives depends on it. And it does.

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