Chapter 27

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A/n: This chapter is not only a flashback, the story continues after the flashback .

Listen to ( Demons. By imagine dragons ) for the part after the flashback.
I added the link to the side so make sure you have connection :)

Enjoy !



I walked to the club I'm used to meet my friends at . I gave my order to the bartender and he went to get me what I ordered. Vodka is what I need right now.

" Hey.... Dude you look like sh*t ! What happened? " Denis, one of my friends said when he approached me. Just then the bartender came with my order.

" Vodka! You are going through an absolute sh*t. C'mon tell me what happened. "

" Jane broke up with me "

" Dude, that sucks! "

We stayed silent for few minutes. Then he talked. " I've got something that may help"

I Looked at him questioningly.

" This will sooth your pain. Try it. You would thank me later "
He brought out a small familiar small baggie.

I shook my head. I've been there before. I'm not going back .

" C'mon man. This is not like any usual stuff. This is the extraordinary. A whole new level. It's quite pricy though. But the first try is always for free "

Looking at it. Maybe I can give it a try.


" What are you doing here "

It's been a month since our fight. I need to apologize. My life is nothing without her. I need her.

" Jane.... you know..... I.... " I stuttered.
She looked at me impatiently.

" Jane I'm sorry okay .... you know how hard is it for me to apologize, but I'm sorry . I really am. I did a mistake. I love you. I know shouldn't have done that. I've learned from my mistake.
Forgive me, life is tasteless without you . "

" Promise you won't hurt me again "

" I promise "


" Hey Denis " I greeted him.

" Hey man " he gave me a manly hug.

" Uh... I'm out of powder "

" Money? "

" Uhm.... I'm broke right now, I'll pay you later "

" Sorry man I can't. You know how it goes. No money no powder "

He's right. They would kill him if they found out that he gave someone a baggie of those without paying. But all I know know is that I need money. A good amount.
I need to get more for the next month or so. Specially if I'm taking money from dad. Sooner or later he'll question me about it.


" Mom, can you do me a favor? "

" How much do you need? "

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