Chapter 36

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Listen to→ Soon will be found -Sia
When you see this 👉

It will be added to the side too. 😃

Enjoy one of the cutest chapters I've ever written!!!!  ❤

( Rosalyn's POV )

Pain was the first thing I felt when I opened my eyes again. I was lucky to have few hours of sleep at least. I couldn't really tell if it was next morning already or what time of the day is it now. We're underground and either day or night, it's only darkness. The only source of light is the small opening in the door. A bit by bit, my other senses kicked in again. I felt my cheek pressed to Robert's pants. His arm still resting on my shoulder. When I looked up at him his head was resting on his  shoulder, sleeping peacefully. His calm and beautiful features catching me off guard. As if every time I look at him he gets more beautiful than the last. His change in behavior also is making it harder for me to resist. The way he treated me last night was just so not him. Or at least the one I knew. The way he comforted me and wiped off my tears.

I will never get used to that.

If anything, it only made my feelings for him stronger. But is he trust worthy?  Can I trust him with my heart this time?  Can I count on him for not giving me another heartbreak ? I had enough share of that in my life and I'm not ready for another.

I know he's good inside. He is not so cruel and heartless. I can't really tell if my judgment is right or it's just clouded by my attraction to him. By the feelings I don't even know if he return back.
So until I have answers for those questions, I'm going to be cautious.

Suddenly an excruciating pain shot through my head and I let out  a scream. Robert's eyes shot open the moment mine closed. I was still awake. I didn't pass out. I was on my knees again, my hands clutching my head. I'm aware that I'm going through the same horrible experience of last night. I know this will pour acid on buried scars.

The pain was agonizing . It travelled from my head and to my neck and then my spine. My body grew weaker and my hands weren't able to stay up any longer. They fell to my side and so did my body. My head hit the cement ground and the flashes started.

A bit by bit, the drug they gave me started to wear off and I became aware of my surroundings. I was tied and thrown in a dark room of the huge abandoned warehouse. I squirmed and shifted, trying to free myself. I screamed when I failed.

The door burst open relieving a dark figure. He stepped closer and his features became clearer. I gasped.

" Oh thank God Sam you're here! C'mon quick. Untie me so we can get out of here before they notice your presence! "

He smiled and squatted on front of me.

" We're not going anywhere cupcake. You know how hard I worked to finally bring  you here ? "

" W...what are you talking about ? You.. you brought me here!  Why?  "

" Babe, I told you before I needed money. Don't worry they won't kill you or hurt you.... much, either. They will just borrow a kidney, an eye, I don't know I lost count after those. No big deal. Just behave and they won't take your heart too. " he spoke dryly.

My tears escaped.

" I thought you'll never hurt me! You promised. You love me!  You're my boyfriend. I love you.  "

" Love you? Babe you're not that naive are you?  "


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