Chapter 39

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Hey there lovelies 😘

{This chapter is dedicated to
Thank you so much for your support and votes!
Stay awsom! 😘✌}

I don't know how many zillion times I'm gonna apologize for my lake of updating but I'm soooooo sorry 😞

Winter break is coming soon and I promise I will make up for u guys.

Speaking of that, I have few announcements to make.
They're at the end of this chap.

For now, enjoy reading!!


( Third person POV )


This is exactly how she found the whole situation. Taking the few steps of stairs left, she turned her gaze away from them and stormed to the kitchen with gritted teeth and clinched fists. Pulling the chair and sitting on front of the plate that was set for her. Her mind was a mess. She glansed at the plat of lasagna and potato chips, grateful for having someone as thoughtful as Harry in her life. He always knows exactly what she needed at the right times. Making a mental note to thank him and Jane ( she probably was the one to cook ) later, her thoughts diverted elsewhere.
How lately she predicts things, ignore them and then they do happen. She feels really stupid at the moment. How she predicted that he won't feel the same yet here she is, having this ridiculous feeling of rejection.
Frustrated at her stupidity, she grabbed the fork and stabbed the square of lasagna aggressively.


" You can step away now Robert. She saw us and she pretty much stormed into the kitchen. " Jane whispered to him with a growing smirk. He gave her a confused look.

" But... "

" But what Robert ? You still love me and you want to bring back the old days? This is lame. You have feelings for the girl and you're using me to push her away. I get you have your reasons but I guess you need to find another way because I'm married. "

Her words took time to register in his mind. When it finally did he was petrified with a dumbfounded expression.

" H-how... "

" It's been thirteen years Robert. Of course I moved on. I have a little boy too. " he watched her smile grow at the mentione of her son.

" Why didn't you say that before ?"

" It's a secret marriage. Well my parents knew, no one else . I wanted to keep it that way . This... " She threw her arms around.

" Is not really the perfect environment to have a family. I was committed to this job and he understood. He might not really have an idea about who I work for, just like I did, but he understands that I had to keep them both safe. I visit them from time to time though. " Jane talked while taking a seat on the couch.

" I-I shouldn't have did that... " he trailed off.

" It's okay Robert, you didn't know. Plus nothing happened really. Anyway, back to the main subject. I told you before that I can read you like an open book. Why are you trying to make everything ten times harder for you? Are you really planning to spend the rest of your life like that ?"

" There is absolutely nothing wrong with my life. "

" Oh yeah? So you like being alone while everyone else is either with a family or a friend ? Robert you're lying to yourself . You know you can't stay like that forever. Do you like doing the same things over and over again ? Do you really want to live this tasteless life you've been having for over a decade? "

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