Chapter 46

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Hey there people 👋

♚ Listen to: Rear view, by ZAYN.

Also I just wanted to say that your comments makes me speechless. It makes my day. Thank you all for your lovely words and support. I love every single one of you. And I mean it.



( Third person POV )

She left.

She realized that if she had any dignity left she should probably leave and save it. She walked out as if nothing happened. And he cursed himself for doing that in the first place. For not having control over his actions and specially not having control over his temper. He hates that he, yet again, broke his promise of not hurting her again. He hates that he can't just chase after her and pull her close to him again. It took him a lot to fight the urge to do just that.

Most importantly, he hates that his mind was right. That he is worthless. That he does not deserve her and what he did is just the ultimate proof. He had no words to describe how much he regrets those words he spoke to her.

She has been hurt a lot and he knows it. He felt it and he noticed it. He knew that when she opened up to him she wasn't just letting her sorrows out, she was actually letting him in. Something he figured that she never does. He is one hundred percent convinced that he would somehow, even of it was unintentionally, add up more hurt and pain to her. He just did , why wouldn't he in the future? No matter how many times Jane or even Rose tried to convince him that he has changed, he never believed them. Because he knows better. He knows that he never did. And he probably never will.

Now, it's time for another promise. He will at least try to be worth the trust she has for him. He'll, from now on, keep her from the closest harm. Him. He'll be there for her as a true friend she deserves. He will always make sure that she keeps him in that friend zone everyone hates. He does too, but he is willing for things to stay like that. For her own safety. He'll do whatever he can so things won't get too far. So he won't have to let go of her. He knows that last part is probably the hardest, but he'll try. So even if the time comes, it won't be hard for her to let go of him as much as it would be for him to let go of her.

A friend. A good and will trusted friend of hers. That is only what he wants and all she is to him.


After that little encounter with Robert, Rose locked herself in her room. Not really wanting to see his face for really long time, but maybe not too long. Well, she needed time for herself. To be alone and have some time to think about everything. Not once, maybe million times. That's what she does best. Although it's torture and doesn't help with the situation. There are certain things you can't change even if you tried. She is still mad at him for what he said. She knows that every single thing he said was right. She knows it's dangerous. But there's a little to nothing you can do when you care about someone's well being and they're not next to you. She needed to stop those hunting thoughts of Harry being in danger and the only way to make sure was to keep him under her sight. Call her over reacting, over protective, whatever. But losing people you loved does that. The fear of losing more people you care for does that. And no matter how many times she explained that to Robert he won't understand. He won't understand how much Harry means to her. And he won't understand how much pain she has been through because of that. And she never want to go through that again.
She remember how those months passed by. If Harry wasn't there she would have gone completely mental. She would never have made it. And now that Harry is the only one left, she is one hundred percent sure she will never have the will to live if he was gone. He was the only reason she was still holding on and no one understands that.
Sometimes she thinks that maybe Robert can be another reason to hold on. That maybe she care for him too and it would hurt if she lost him. Those strong feelings for him she was trying to deny were now taken into consideration. His words have hurt her. But her words have hurt more. That specific word she didn't have the guts to continue. It was true no matter or how hard she tried to shove it away.

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