Chapter 41

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Hey honey bunnies ✋

First, the first part of the trailer is now UP !! 💃

I'm not very good at making edits so excuse me if it sucks .😂


This chapter is dedicated to the awesome

Thanks Boo for being one of the first to support my story. 😍😘


( Third person POV )

" Harry is calling. "

Roslyn's eyes drifted from the road to Robert in a millisecond. She pulled the car over and Robert clicked the answer button.
The hologram appeared with Harry's face on. He smiled a small greeting smile and Rose immediately knew something is wrong. Harry never greeted her like that. His smiles reache his eyes. His smiles show his dimples.

This small smile showed neither.

" What's wrong? " Rose asked.

" Well, I don't know really . I thought I have to call you guys and keep you updated. It's messed up. I had to take the longer way back to the organization because I suspected that someone is following me. Thankfully I got rid of them. But I come here and I don't find The Director. And Now I'm in charge until he comes back from where ever the hell he is. All I know now that both of you should be there in Dallas as fast as you can and don't step a foot out the door after that. Okay. "

A small twist in her chest. Her heart is getting heavier. Harry didn't spare her a glance. He avoided looking at her. She have no idea what's happening. They kinda fixed things between them after that fight.
What changed?

Rose and Robert nodded understandingly. Rose still trying to catch his attention. She's desperately trying to make a small eye contact but she's failing. That never happened before. She doesn't know what to do.

It's hurting her but she is making excuses.
Maybe he's doing that unintentionally. Maybe he's just having a bad day. That gleam in his eyes died down a little. It's there, but barely recognizable.

What did she do wrong?

Biting her tongue to stop from bursting out some words she might regret or make things worse. " Harry, " she called.

Her eyes on the hologram screen waiting for his to meet them. They did. For a brief moment. " Are you okay? " she tried again.

" I'm fine. " he answered still looking away.

It hurts.

She just nodded. She's out of ideas. She has no more ability to process what's happening.

" I have to end the call. Take care guys." He glanced at her quickly before the screen disappeared. It gave her a little hope. She doesn't want to lose him but she can't even figure out what she did wrong to fix it.

Robert was sitting there observing her mood changes. He didn't say anything. Maybe it's better to not interfere this time. Rose started the car again and they continued there way in silence.

" Should I drive instead? " Robert asked when he noticed that she zoned in and out few times. He know it's bothering her and she can't stop thinking about it. She nodded and pulled over. They both switched seats and he started the car again.

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now