Chapter 50

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Surprise surprise!!!! 🙌

Guess who's finally graduated and officially not a high school student!! ✊✌

It's been a long time since i last updated.  Like what?  Two months? 
Ugh 😁 sorry for that.

But here is another chapter finally! 

P.S: You might need a recap of the last chapter.



( Third person POV )

They say evey mistake that you ever did in your life will get back to you one day. They say, that somehow make your sins forgiven. They say pain make strong people stronger, and the weak ones always collapse.

He was always a strong one. Everything he has been through made him an invincible human. Unbreakable. And everyone knew and admitted that. That's where he got his nickname from.

But now as he stand across the hall with a stinging and breaking heart, things took a sharp turn for him. Those were his mistakes making themselves known. That was his payback. A painful payback.
He was unbreakable once. He was strong once. Not now. Not anymore. He, deep down, knew he would end up like that, but there are certain things we can never control no matter what.

Yes, he is going through a new sort of pain he never tasted before. But does it matter? 

Why is he so struck and hurt when that was all he wanted? He pushed her away. He didn't want her to get attached to him. Isn't that what would normally happen as a result? 

He succeeded.

Then whey is he regretting it now? Why does it hurt that much?  And most importantly how years of struggle to become heartless turned into ash within a snap of her finger?

He was the only one to blame. He allowed this to happen and it's over.
It would have never worked out anyway. That's better. Harry is better. Better than he can ever be.
It's a closed case now. It's time to move on again. It will take a lot of time. Maybe even he would never be able to. But again that was his fault. He chose this and he
should face the consequences.


Days never passed this painfully slow for him until now. He would avoid any contact with them and both pretended he was invisible. None of them even made eye contact with him for days. Once they feel his presence, they are instantly out of the room. Harry and Rosalyn never leave each others' sides now. Whenever Robert can, he would steel glances at them. His eyes always land on their intertwined fingers. He sees them cuddling on the sofa and watching a movie.
Nights were even more painful . In the middle of the night and as he lay wide awake on his bed, he hear her muffled cries and screams. He sits up and stay still for long moments, having no clue on what to do. He wants so bad to comfort her but he can't. He knows he is her nightmare. He knows his face show up in her worst nightmares. How can he even stay with her at the same place?

One night it got overbearing. He couldn't hear her going through all that pain and do nothing. Because of him or not, he can't just stay there and hope for her to be okay. He was brave enough to open his door. But he couldn't take a step out as he watched Harry rush up the stairs with a glass of water and quickly getting into her room. He left the door open and Robert again was silently watching from afar. He watched as Harry shook her gently and ran his fingers through her hair, a gesture Robert learned she loved. He watched as her body jolt awake and fear was the only emotion visible. Robert watched as she fell in Harry's arms, sobbing and crying her heart out into his chest. All Robert can do was to stand and watch as Harry held her closer, whisper in her ear some comforting words, hug her tightly, rub her back gently and stroke her hair softly. He whipped away her tears and kissed her forehead before they both fell asleep in each others' embrace. And all Robert can do was watch with a heavy heart from behind the door.

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